𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲; sleepless

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Taehyung had woken up in his bed the following night so he guessed he slept in Jeongguk's lap all day. He blushed at the memory before sitting up and deciding how he's gonna annoy Jeongguk.

"Jeonggukie~" Taehyung sang walking into Jeongguk's room to see the boy asleep on his bed. He smirked running up to the boy and throwing himself onto the other.

"What do you want now," Jeongguk groaned looking at Taehyung who sat on his stomach with a bright smile.

"I'm bored, and I'm still trying to get you to punish me so, can we eat ice cream?" Taehyung grinned and Jeongguk took a deep breath in knowing very well he can't just bend Taehyung over and spank him till he cries or not let him cum, so he agreed and walked to the kitchen with an eager Taehyung.

"You snore really loudly," Taehyung randomly commented eating his ice cream slowly, he licked the spoon and Jeongguk stared at him with mouth ajar and eyes droopy. "Are you tired? Well wake up, it's party time," Taehyung smiled and shoved the last of his ice cream down his throat before dragging a sleepy Jeongguk to the living room and turning the TV on.

"Pretend you're at my concert," Taehyung used the TV remote as microphone and sang to Jeongguk who watched him fondly.

"I know it breaks your heart~" Taehyung did a little dance whilst singing and Jeongguk took his phone out recording the boy and cheering him on.

"And I, I ,I can't stop!" He moved his feet in a small pattern and Jeongguk grinned at how cute the boy was being and put his phone down.

"Why aren't you mad!" Taehyung whined changing the song into a more metallic type one, Jeongguk bopped his head to the song enjoying every moment of the time he got to stare at Taehyung.

"Why aren't you angry," Taehyung whined stomping his feet and walking over to Jeongguk blocking his view. He then gasped thinking of a master plan that wouldn't require him to dance till he's dead.

He sat down on Jeongguk's lap so that he was straddling him and buried his face into Jeongguk's neck trying to piss him off by biting his neck or moving around to much.

Eventually he gave up and fake slept so that Jeongguk could take him to his room instead of him walking. Jeongguk did exactly what the boy wanted and took the boy to his room.

Just as he was about to walk out, Taehyung grabbed his wrist and pulled him down on to the bed with him and pulled himself on top of Jeongguks chest.

He didn't let Jeongguk sleep by occasionally groaning, snoring or moving about, hoping that Jeongguk was angry. He fell asleep before he could even check leaving Jeongguk to stare up at his ceiling rethinking his life decisions.

maybe I'll have to punish him tomorrow.

mmm can't wait

innocent; kv ✓Where stories live. Discover now