Twenty seven; ice cream

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"a-ah, gguk!" Taehyung moaned throwing his head back as his body bounced back and forth rapidly, Jeongguk bis his lip tugging onto Taehyung's hair throwing his head back.

"F-fuck so good baby," he moaned leaning over and leaving hickies on the boys neck. "Fuck I'm gonna cum," he grunted into Taehyung's ear who let out loud moans as Jeongguk roughly thrusted on to his prostate.

"Ah!" They moaned in unison their body's shaking against each other, Jeongguk moaned pulling out and dropping next to Taehyung who panted for air.

"I-I wanted to remember it feels good," Taehyung whispered turning to Jeongguk who pulled him into a hug and kissed him passionately. Taehyung blushed burying his face into Jeongguk's exposed and quickly rising chest drifting off to Dreamland.

"You're so perfect, what did I do to deserve you?" Jeongguk whispered pecking Taehyung's head and rubbing soothing circles on to the boy's back.

He sighed picking Taehyung up and walking over to his bathroom, he filled the tub up not taking his eyes off of Taehyung to the whole time and placed the boy inside.

He scrubbed the boy gently trying to not wake him up, he grabbed a towel drying to boy carefully before carrying him back to his bed and placing him down and dressing him with one of his tops.

"I'll be back," he whispered walking back to the bathroom to dry himself.

Taehyung whimpered pulling the covers over himself gripping onto the pillow tightly. He let out a cry before shooting awake and looking around panicked.

"Baby, what happened?!" Jeongguk rushed out his hair still dripping wet since he had no time to dry it after he heard Taehyung's cries.

"N-nightmare," He sat up pulling his arms out indicating he wanted to be carried. Jeongguk hummed picking the boy up and walked downstairs the to kitchen.

"Let's get your weight back up," Jeongguk placed Taehyung down looking at the boy with a stern look. "You're too light baby,"

"Sheesh I'm not that light," Taehyung rolled his eyes taking out some ice cream and walking over to Jeongguk's lap, he placed himself down eating spoonfuls of ice cream.

"Tae, that's not...nevermind," Jeongguk shook his head grateful that Taehyung was at least eating. Taehyung looked at his phone that began to buzz and picked it up holding the spoon against his mouth.

"Yah! You fucking idiot! Do you know how bankrupt we are?! That was a big mistake, I've found another husband I want you-"

"No," Taehyung ended the call going back to eating ice cream.

Jeongguk poked the inside of his cheek looking around growing jealous and angry that Taehyung was being forced to marry.

"Why is he even trying to marry you?" Jeongguk asked his voice low and laced with venom, Taehyung shivered gulping down his ice cream and freezing on Jeongguk's lap.

"H-he wants his company to grow bigger so he's trying to have connections with other companies by marrying me to their family members," Taehyung explained taking another spoonful of ice cream.

Jeongguk bit his lip tightening his grip around Taehyung's waist as the thought of Taehyung marrying someone else came in to his head.

He shook it off disgusted by the idea and instead began thinking of his marriage.

I need to marry him soon.

no ✋

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