Twenty six; I'm pregnant I swear

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Jeongguk smiled softly burying his face into Taehyung's neck, he pecked the boys neck and massaged the others head. Taehyung yawned sitting up and blushing as he looked down at the shirtless Jeongguk.

"Where are you going?" Jeongguk questioned also sitting up and looking at Taehyung who stood up about to walk to his room.

"I have to go my job," Taehyung sighed walking to his room to grab some clothes, Jeongguk stood up picking up a shirt and putting it on following the boy.

"Tae, I want you to stay home it's not safe-"

"It's fine, the boss is nice and I'll be inside with him anyway," Taehyung smiled brushing his hair and then walking past Jeongguk who followed him.

"I'll take you there," He suggested picking up his car keys and jacket, Taehyung glanced at the boy his cheeks turning red from how attractive the jacket flipping was.

Jeongguk didn't notice his stares as he sat down in the car with Taehyung next to him, he started it up placing a hand on the boys thigh and occasionally letting go to drive.

"How long are you gonna be there for?" Jeongguk turned to Taehyung as they stopped in front of the café

"8 hours," Taehyung pouted at the idea of not being with Jeongguk all day and felt an anxiety creeping up on him at the thought of the same thing happening again.

"I'll be around here so call me if something goes wrong or if you feel unsafe," Jeongguk pecked Taehyung's lips who nodded stepping out the car and walking into the café.

Jeongguk bit his lip watching the boy disappear from his sight before leaving and driving around trying to find a place to pass time.

"Yo, Jeon!" He heard a familiar voice call out, he stepped out the car that was parked in front of a shopping mall and quirked an eyebrow spotting his friends.

"Yo my man! It's been a while since we played or you went live, what's up?!" Another asked catching up with Jeongguk shaking their hands before following the boy into the shopping wall.

"Taewon hurt Taehyung again," Jeongguk in formed earning loud gasps.

"What the fuck? Do you want me to murder him? I've got connections," one of them suggested making Jeongguk let out a dark chuckle as he
walked in front a pottery shop.

"He's in jail now and I probably killed him with that vase," Jeongguk paused in front of a jewellery shop and pulled his friends in front of them. "What one looks good?"

"That," they said in unison pointing at a gold bracelet. Jeongguk shook his head his eyes landing on a silver necklace, it reminded him of Taehyung; delicate and precious.

Taehyung sniffed shutting the toilet door and sliding down against it, he wiped his tears letting out sobs into his knees holding onto his phone tightly.

He opened his eyes pressing Jeongguk's contact and shakingly holding the phone to his ear as he waited for the boy to pick up

"Tae? Baby is everything okay? What happened?" Jeongguk's soft comforting voice immediately responded to his call.

"g-gguk I feel so g-gross, I feel like everyone is staring at me and he's gonna come get me," Taehyung sobbed making Jeongguk panic and pay for the necklace quickly.

"Petal, it's alright, I've made sure he's never able to set eyes on you again or come out of jail. Take deep breaths baby, I'm right here," Jeongguk comforted Taehyung who sniffed blushing at the nicknames.

"T-thanks gguk, but I need to go now, I love you," Taehyung let out a sad giggle making the other feel butterflies all over again.

"I love you too," Jeongguk smiled ending the call and turning to his friends who gagged mimicking the boys.

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