𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻; attention

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Jeongguk sat on Taehyung's bed, he had been staying out his room more often after Taehyung said how he's always in there. He sat there watching Taehyung sit by his window and paint the outside view.

"You're a painting yourself," Jeongguk blurted out and Taehyung blushed flicking paint water at the boy and going back to his painting.

"Pay attention to me!" Jeongguk whined like Taehyung and Taehyung glared at him before facing away and huffing. "Daddy, master!" Jeongguk imitated again and Taehyung pouted turning his stool fully away.

"Bitch," Taehyung smirked when Jeongguk went silent and stood up from his bed. Jeongguk walked over to the boy and lifted him up before placing himself on the stool and Taehyung on his lap.

"You wanna say that again?" Jeongguk tightened his arms around Taehyung's waist.


"I was joking, get back to painting," Jeongguk placed his chin on Taehyung's shoulder as the boy painted the sky a pretty blue colour, he added the clouds and Jeongguk placed his hand on top of Taehyungs, following his movements.

Taehyung's phone began to ring and he stood up from Jeongguk's lap walking to the bathroom to take the call.

"Taehyungie, have you thought about who should be CEO with you?"

"No, I don't think he'd be ready for it," Taehyung looked back at Jeongguk who was admiring his painting.

"We're gonna have to get you married to the Lee's to develop our company future if you can't find someone,"


"Tae, you agreed to this two weeks ago about the idea of marriage, do you have anyone in mind?"

"I do but he's not ready to take such a huge responsibility, can't I manage it alone?" Taehyung began to get agitated at his parents and he looked back at Jeongguk who gave a him worried look.

"Forget about it, you're not capable to handle anything alone, I'll ask your older brother,"

I got this mixed up with milk boy but ig Taehyung needs a job ??

Taehyung frowned listening to the call end, he put his phone down and walked over to his bed. He pulled the covers over him mentally begging for Jeongguk to get out his room.

"Baby, are you okay?" Jeongguk walked over to Taehyung who tightened his grip and held back tears which made his nose tears.

"Mhm, I feel sick, can you leave me alone?" Taehyung forced a cheery voice which came out cracky and shaky, Jeongguk sensed him being upset and tried pulling the covers off.

"Leave me alone!" Taehyung yelled sniffing slightly and crying silently. Jeongguk sighed walking out the room and standing by Taehyung's door frame.

He leaned against it listening to Taehyung sob into his pillow and kick his legs about. He watched the boy sit up and punch his pillow before attempting to rip it into shreds but failed.

Taehyung groaned throwing it to the floor before flopping back on to the bed and kicking the duvet off. He sighed letting tears soak into his bed and sleep take over him.

Jeongguk walked back in picking up the pillow and gently lifting Taehyung's head to place it under him. He picked up the duvet and covered Taehyung's fragile body before making his way to his room.

He started up his PC and turned his twitch on. He was about to go live but the fact Taehyung went to sleep throwing a fit was bothering him.

"Nut the pain away," Jeongguk sighed sitting on his bed and turning his phone on. He pushed his to his dick and grasped it staring at the boobs on his screen with no expression.

He switched his porn off and decided to play some games to get his mind some rest.

"God sake," Taehyung groaned picking his phone up and waited for the other person to speak.

"Watch Jeongguk's stream from two weeks ago and skip to 02:53:45!" The person yelled and Taehyung winced ended the call and sat up not bothering to search through Jeongguk's streams.

He walked over to Jeongguk's room listening in to check if the boy was live, to his luck he wasn't since all he could hear was guns being shot. He walked in and Jeongguk kept his eyes on his screen not hearing the boy walk over to him.

"Daddy," Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk perked his head forward looking left and right only to see no one there.

I need to stop watching so much porn, Jeongguk mentally noted going back to killing enemies. He blinked twice when Taehyung came into view and placed himself on his lap.

"Hey petal, you feel better now?" Jeongguk asked as Taehyung hummed nuzzling his face into the crook of Jeongguk's neck.

"I'm sorry for telling at you," Taehyung mumbled and Jeongguk hummed looking down at Taehyung's ass that was sticking out on his lap.

"Are you gonna punish me?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk shook his head not being able to keep his eyes off of Taehyung's ass that he so very wanted to ruin with his hands again.

"Am I good for nothing?" Taehyung asked biting his lip and Jeongguk pulled away looking at Taehyung with a stern look.

"What makes you think that? Do I need to state all the reasons why you're perfect?" Jeongguk scolded Taehyung who smiled burying his face in Jeongguk's neck.

Taehyung fell asleep again in Jeongguk's arms and the boy whispered sweet things in his and reasons why he's perfect.

"You're perfect, baby."

there's this wedding scene I wanna write but I'm not sure if I should write it for this book or Milk boy

anyways add me on snap cus I have 0 snap score 😭 ; auretete

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