𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿; baby boy

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Taehyung rewatched the scene from last night's stream and sighed when he failed to understand what he had to do in order to get Jeongguk mad. He even text one of Jeongguks friend and luckily got a reply two minutes later.

"He's thinks I'm cute?" Taehyung listened more to all the things Jeongguk wished to do with him, only understanding a few of them.

"Ride him?" Taehyung opened up Google and typed in 'how to ride someone' he looked at the first step which was sitting on the person's lap.

"Is that it?" Taehyung smiled standing up and making his way over to Jeongguk's room without knocking. Jeongguk about to start a new stream, he turned to Taehyung waiting for the boy to say something to annoy him.

Instead, Taehyung walked over to him and pushed his chair back.

"What are you-" Jeongguk was cut off when Taehyung sat down on his lap whilst facing his way.

"I'm riding you," Taehyung smiled and Jeongguk looked up at the boy and chuckled at his innocence, he sighed letting the boy do whatever and started his stream.

"Sorry guys, my camera fell and shattered so no face cam," Jeongguk lied and Taehyung buried his face into the others neck.

"Do you like it?" Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk chuckled humming a yes as he bounced his leg up and down causing Taehyung to lightly rock on his lap. He hummed a sweet tune occasionally hissing whenever he got killed.

"Sorry, I can't talk that loud, there's a baby on my lap fast asleep," Jeongguk whispered into his mic and read the chat as they questioned whose baby it was.

"No no, he's not my baby, not yet he isn't," Jeongguk muttered the last part under his breath as he carefully turned his head to the fast asleep Taehyung on his lap.

"Ah, good question. Well, he's really cute, he's obviously innocent since he's a baby, extremely clingy but hides that, uhh he whines over the smallest thing so no doubt he'll grow up a brat," Jeongguk rubbed soothing circles on Taehyung's back as he answered more questions about his baby.

"Mm, ggukie," Taehyung woke up slowly, rubbing his eyes and looking down at Jeongguk with drowsy eyes.

"The baby has woken up," Jeongguk whispered leaning forward into his mic so that they could hear him. "Shh, I'm right here, go to sleep," Jeongguk pecked Taehyung's cheek as the boy went back to sleep again.

"Shit," Jeongguk groaned when he died in the game. Taehyung was now in deep sleep so he stopped whispering and began laughing with his friends.

"Hey Jeongguk, who is this baby you're on about?" His friend asked and Jeongguk grinned as Taehyung's hot breath fanned his ear.

"Oh just some baby boy, my baby boy," Jeongguk smirked and his friends immediately got the hint.

"You're actually so cheesy, give us a break, give him a break," another of his friend sighed and Jeongguk rolled his eyes rocking Taehyung back and forth.

"Oh yeah, a fan asked what gets you mad," his friend asked and Jeongguk said what first came to his mind.

"My baby getting hurt."

ahhaha don't give me ideas Jeon

innocent; kv ✓Where stories live. Discover now