twenty eight; somethin special

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Jeongguk sighed sitting on his chair as he lovingly watched the boy squirm in his sleep occasionally, he placed on his headset grinning as he thought about all the good times he's had with Taehyung.

Taehyung woke up panting for air and turning to Jeongguk who looked at him worried, he stood up rushing to him and sitting on the boy's lap.

"You okay?" Jeongguk softly asked, Taehyung hummed closing his eyes and tightening his grip around Jeongguk's neck. "I'm gonna go live,"

Taehyung yawned pecking Jeongguk's ear as the other loaded up twitch placing a finger on his lips whilst loading up Fortnite.

"What the fuck, get out of my way," Jeongguk whispered spamming his keyboard as he desperately tried to get out of the way.

"Shut up," Taehyung whispered trying to sleep. Jeongguk apologized glaring at his screen and bouncing his leg up and down anxiously.

"Shit shit shit- fuck yes! First place once again," Jeongguk cheered but quickly shut up when Taehyung bit his ear harshly. "Ow what the fuck okay okay!" He winced moving his head away from Taehyung and pecking the boys cheek.

"If you end the live now we can do something else," Taehyung whispered making Jeongguk turn bright red.

"Deal," Jeongguk waved goodbye to the watches who spammed the chat was laughing emojis before the live ended.

Taehyung sat up pulling Jeongguk into a kiss and grinding his hips against the boy, he tilted his head letting out a moan as Jeongguk grabbed his ass.

"What's gotten into you?" Jeongguk chuckled making Taehyung blush madly and allowed Jeongguk to enter his mouth, the boy grabbed lube from his desk and slipped down Taehyung's shorts.

"A-ah!" Taehyung moaned as Jeongguk slipped a finger inside of him, he whimpered breaking the kiss and burying his face into Jeongguk's neck whilst another finger was inserted into him.

"How are you still tight?" Jeongguk glanced at him shocked, Taehyung blushed digging his nails into Jeongguk's neck and throwing his head back.

Jeongguk grew impatient and pulled his fingers out and instead unbuckled his trousers, Taehyung gasped squeezing his eyes shut when Jeongguk slowly pushed inside of me.

"ah it's t-too big," Taehyung cried letting out a shaky sigh, Jeongguk grinned connecting their lips once again and pulling Taehyung all the way down on to him. "Mm!'

"Shhh, it's okay," Jeongguk mumbled thrusting his hips up into Taehyung who let out high pitched moans into his ears like a sweet melody.

Taehyung arched his back sitting up straight and bouncing on the boy roughly, skin slapping sounds surrounded the air along with their moans and grunts.

"Ah you're going so well," Jeongguk whispered placing his hand on Taehyung's thigh pushing him up and down.

Taehyung got the hang of it and threw his head back placing his arms against the chair and bouncing on the boys dick, he arched his back grinding his hips hitting all the right places.

Jeongguk let out moans Taehyung's tight hole clen- wrappin- fuck you know what I mean, around his member.

"Gguk, I feel like I'm gonna cum," Taehyung moaned out finding his own prostate and growing tired of moving. Jeongguk stood up with the boy wrapped around him and pulled out, he placed Taehyung on to the chair and re-entered but doggy style.

"I-I'm gonna fall!" Taehyung whined holding on to the chair for dear life as Jeongguk thrusted into him at animalistic pace, his loud moans mixed in with the whines of the chair and drool dripped down from his mouth.

"Good boy," Jeongguk grunted feeling himself get nearer to climaxing, he gripped on to the chair tightly giving one last thrust to Taehyung before cumming in the boy.

"Ah!" Taehyung cried out as Jeongguk lifted him and placed him on his lap again. He sniffed his legs still shaking.

"You did well baby," Jeongguk praised making Taehyung blush and hide his face. There was a long comfortable silence until Taehyung spoke up again remembering his art work.

"I have my holidays now and also need to do photography, we should go out together," Taehyung suggested looking at Jeongguk who hummed connecting their lips briefly.

"We could go to the park," Jeongguk shrugged not knowing that many places anyway.

"No, it needs to have lots of plants," Taehyung sighed also trying to think of a place that would be sunny, warm and full of beautiful scenery.

"A forest?" Jeongguk quirked an eyebrow making Taehyung laugh and shake his head. Taehyung gasped a bright idea popping up in his head.

"We should go to a different country!"

Triple update check

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