𝘀𝗶𝘅𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻; whipped cream

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Taehyung winced as he sat up feeling a sharp pain below, he turned to Jeongguk who was setting up his pc after it mysteriously stopped working. He whimpered as he tried to get up which caught the other's attention.

"Oh, you're awake now, you okay?" Jeongguk asked with a bunny smile on display that eased Taehyung's pain briefly. Jeongguk walked over to him and placed an arm around his waist to help the boy walk.

"It hurts down there," Taehyung blushed as the memories from the previous night flooded in. Jeongguk smirked as he walked the boy to the bathroom. "You don't need to come in with me," Taehyung giggled and Jeongguk hummed letting the boy do his business.

I finally did it! Jeongguk cheered skipping over to his room, he grinned looking at his bed that was in a messy state before they had finished. He looked at the pink box he had brought the day Taehyung was drunk and sighed. If only he could use them.

"JEONGGUK!" Taehyung screamed making the boy run over, he crashed through the door grabbing Taehyung and looking for injuries.

"What?! Are you hurt?! Speak to me!" Jeongguk cupped Taehyung's cheek and shook him gently. Taehyung wrapped his arms around the boy and turned to the bathtub. He pointed his shaky finger towards it and Jeongguk carefully walked towards the bathtub.

Jeongguk let out a high pitched scream running back to Taehyung who screamed with him.

"Why are you calling me?! I'm not some transformer, kill it!" Jeongguk hid behind Taehyung desperately shook his head with wide eyes.

"I-I'm just a little boy, I have a future! I have a job to attend, I still need to get married!" Taehyung explained pushing Jeongguk in front of him.

"So do I!" Jeongguk argued back, Taehyung ran out of the bathroom and shut the door behind, Jeongguk gasped rushing to the door and turning the doorknob. "Let me out!" Jeongguk begged and Taehyung shook his head even though Jeongguk couldn't see him.

"Kill it, I'll let you out then!" Taehyung placed his leg on the wall as he tried to keep the door shut that Jeongguk was trying to open.

Jeongguk sighed walking over to the bathtub and looking at the small spider crawling around. He took a deep breath before turning the taps on, he watched it spin until it went down the drain. With his head hung low he walked to the door and opened it.

"Did you kill it?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk hummed lowly not looking up, Taehyung hesitantly walked over to the bathtub and sighed in relief when he saw it was gone. 

Once Taehyung had finished showering, Jeongguk helped him walk down the stairs to the kitchen. Taehyung opened the fridge taking some whipped cream out and turning to Jeongguk who sat by the counter.

"Is that what you're going to eat for breakfast?" Jeongguk quirked an eyebrow watching the boy squirt some into his mouth.

"You want some?" Taehyung asked pointing the can to Jeongguk who shook his head whipping his phone out. Taehyung shrugged squirting more in his mouth before I wild idea popped up in his mind. He grinned putting some on his hand and attempted to launch it in his mouth but it got stuck to the ceiling.

"gguk, we have a problem..." Taehyung looked at the blob that was getting ready to fall. Jeongguk looked up from his phone and stared at Taehyung who stuck his tongue out as the cream fell. Jeongguk bit his lip as the boy attempted to lick it off of his chin which made him imagine a lot of things.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want some?" Taehyung sat opposite Jeongguk and placed the tip against his lips and accidentally squirting some. Jeongguk grabbed his chin and pulled him closer to his face, he licked the cream off and connected their lips.

Taehyung moaned closing his eyes and letting Jeongguk take control of him.

"Get on your knees," Jeongguk instructed and Taehyung looked at him confused but obeyed anyway. Jeongguk stood up grabbing the whipped cream and looking down at Taehyung. "Open your mouth, swallow everything like a good boy, okay?" Jeongguk demanded and Taehyung nodded opening his mouth.

Jeongguk smirked watching the boy lick everything and get some on his nose. He placed the whipped cream down and unbuckled his pants, he pulled them down and Taehyung stared at his member with doe eyes. Taehyung blinked slowly and gave kitten licks to the other, he had learned how to do properly with the help of Jimin and Jeongguk.

"A-ah, fuck that's it, baby," Jeongguk moaned as Taehyung took all of him in and bopped his head back and forth, humming whenever he ran out of breath. "F-fuck," Jeongguk grunted grabbing a fistful of Taehyung's hair and gently rolled his hips.

Taehyung held on to Jeongguk's thighs as the other fucked his mouth getting rougher and rougher, Taehyung moaned with drool dripping down his chin and teary eyes looking up at Jeongguk who was looking down at him.

"So pretty and wrecked for me, hm?" Jeongguk hummed before moaning as he felt himself needing to cum. Jeongguk moaned throwing his head back as he came into Taehyung's mouth who pulled away swallowing everything. Taehyung flinched as Jeongguk came on to his face and hair.

"I'm wrecked just for you."

Taehyung eats cum for breakfast

my back hurts and I can't use my phone at night, can life get any worse?

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