𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻; what's this?

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"Bitch! What the fuck?!" Jeongguk yelled startling Taehyung who was still working on his art project, he sighed placing his pencil down and massaging his wrist.

"Bitch!" Taehyung mimicked Jeongguk who gasped as he killed more enemies.

"Who the FUCK called me a bitch, was it you? Let's fight then!" Jeongguk yelled into the mic and Taehyung rolled his eyes lying down on the bed, he stared up at the ceiling as his feet rested against the windowpane that was next to the bed. He jumped when his foot slid down hitting something on the window sill.

"What the bitch?" He sat up turning back to Jeongguk who was still too engrossed into his game, he turned back to the window and pushed away the curtain to reveal a medium-sized pink box. His eyes lit up at all the glitter and he opened the box to reveal foreign objects.

He pulled out some handcuffs and grinned at how pretty they looked, he looked at Jeonngguk through the window reflection and placed them on.

"gguk look! You arrested me!" Taehyung giggled turning to Jeongguk who was still staring at the game.

"Huh really? that's cute petal," Jeongguk replied not sparing a glance at Taehyung who continued to look through the box.

"Huh?" He pulled out a long pink object and questioned why it looked so funny, "what is-" he sniffed it and cringed at the silicon, he placed it down and focused on the fluffy handcuffs.

"uh oh," Taehyung muttered under his breath when he failed to open them with the key, he panicked stretching arms out trying to yank them off but they stayed on. "gguk! I'm stuck!" Taehyung yelled but all Jeongguk could hear was gunshots.

He whined picking up the funny shaped object and waved it around in the air laughing at how it swung around.

"Ah!" He yelped when it hit his nose, he rubbed his nose putting his attention back on to Jeongguk who was still sweating out on Fortnite. Taehyung stood up and stepped off the bed, he stood a few steps away from Jeongguk until the boy saw him.

"Bye guys, until next time!" Jeongguk switched off his stream and turned to Taehyung finally, "Baby, why the fuck do you have those- hey!" Jeongguk snatched the pink dildo from Taehyung who glared at him.

"What is that? It looks funny," Taehyung laughed and Jeongguk sighed taking the key from Taehyung's hand and unlocking the boy.

"It's a dildo, it goes up your ass," Jeongguk explained throwing it on to the bed, Taehyung stared at it shocked and then back down at Jeongguk.

"You put that up your bum?!" Taehyung gasped and Jeongguk facepalmed, he stood up pushing Taehyung against the wall, Taehyung looked at him confused.

"Don't touch things like that baby, seeing you with them makes me wanna do things," Jeongguk whispered into Taehyung's ear, Taehyung felt butterflies enter his stomach due to Jeongguk's husky voice.

"L-like what?" Taehyung innocently asked, an uncomfortable feeling came back down there and he bit his lip not knowing what to do. Jeingguk noticed this and stepped closer to Taehyung so their bodies were against each other. He held on to Taehyung's waist and "accidentally" grinded their hips against each other.

"You know baby, what happened two days ago, what happened when you swore and when you came back drunk," Jeongguk chuckled and Taehyung let out a desperate sigh as he felt more and more horny.

  "Please.." Taehyung was fully under Jeongguk's spell, he closed his eye's breathing shakily, Jeongguk smirked stepping away and back to his chair, "gguk, help, it feels weird," Taehyung whimpered hands traveling down to his boner.

"No touching yourself, you know what happens when you disobey," Jeongguk glared at Taehyung who whined pulling his hand away. Jeongguk laughed watching the boy stomp out the room.

Taehyung threw himself onto his bed and huffed staring at his wall with a blush across his face.

"Just wait till next time,"

good idea...

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