𝘁𝘄𝗼; pet names

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Taehyung sat on Jeongguk's bed as he sketched out the lay out. He looked up at the boy who was laughing with some friends whilst playing a game.

His heart beat fastened at how defined the others features were due to the neon purple lights in the room. He then remembered what had happened last night and how he saw Jeongguk putting his hands in his pants.

What the hell is he doing ? I've seen him do it a lot. Taehyung looked down at his pants before looking up and making sure Jeongguk wasn't looking at him. He gulped imaging Jeongguk doing things he never imagined him to do.

"ggukie!" Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk only laughed into his mic and instructed his friends to go somewhere.

"Dadd!" Taehyung whispered louder and Jeongguk stopped his movements and turned to Taehyung with a confused look but then back to his screen.

"I swear I just heard someone call me daddy," Jeongguk mumbled and his friends began snorting into the mic and calling Jeongguk daddy as he shot down enemies.

"Yes I called you daddy idiot, now pay attention to me!" Taehyung whispered but Jeongguk didn't turn to him. Taehyung whined quietly before trying to go back to drawing but the curiosity and uneasy feeling was killing him.

"Master! Daddy!" Taehyung whispered louder and Jeongguk glanced at Taehyung who was desperately trying to get his attention.

"Not right now Tae, I'm streaming," Jeongguk responded annoyed before going back to his friends and ignoring Taehyung.

"Master!" Taehyung impulsively let out loud but quickly covered his mouth and started drawing again. Jeongguk did hear him but let it pass and continued shooting again.

"Yes, that's it baby!" Jeongguk cheered and Taehyung pouted looking at the boy with admiring eyes.

Wish he would call me cute names. Taehyung began shading in with a dark purple pencil and sped up rapidly.

"Okay, let's have a break now," Jeongguk announced muting his mic and briefly pausing the live which played clips of his best moments. He turned to Taehyung who was rapidly colouring the page and Jeongguk watched amused by his fast the other can go.

"Now, why were you calling me daddy and master, when I told you how it makes me feel?" Jeongguk walked over to the boy who pouted putting his pencil down and looking at Jeongguk in the eyes.

"I want you to call me cute names," Taehyung smiled and Jeongguk looked at him confused.

"Like what? Baby?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung nodded eagerly, Jeongguk agreed immediately, taking advantage of the situation to flirt with Taehyung.

"Well then baby, why were you calling me?" Jeongguk looked at Taehyung's art work and gasped amazed by how good it looked.

"I want you to tell me what you do every night, you know when your hand is down your pants," Taehyung demonstrated the hand movement and Jeongguk let his jaw drop to the floor.

"W-what the fuck? No, figure it out yourself," Jeongguk stood up and Taehyung nodded pulling his pants off. "Woah woah not now! Not here!" Jeongguk picked up Taehyung's pants but the other whined and kicked his legs about.

"I want to know now! And here!" Taehyung yelled and Jeongguk looked back at his stream and then back at Taehyung who was looking at him with desperate eyes.


"Actually I change my mind, I'll do it tomorrow," Taehyung shrugged and went back to colouring. Jeongguk looked at him in disbelief before going back to his chair, angry that Taehyung gets away with teasing him.

"You can't just say something like that and then change your mind, it's not fair," Jeongguk waited for the last two minutes to end so he can get back to playing.

"Punish me if it bothers you that much."

I actually really want to write Taehyung getting punished but it's only chapter 2 and we all know shit goes down after chapter 7 🥵🥵🥵😋😋😋😋

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