𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻; no, I'm too sad

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"Y-you did, huh?!" Jimin gasped stopping in front of the lollipop shop as Taehyung held two tickets in his hand.

"The part about me buying tickets to Hawaii or Jeongguk?" Taehyung tilted his head feeling sadness take over as they walked home.

"I'm sorry Tae, but Hoseok wouldn't like it, going to Hawaii," Jimin sighed and Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows holding the tickets tightly.

"But Jimin, you've wanted this for ages and I spent my first pay check on this," Taehyung pouted and Jimin sighed still not agreeing.

"Yeah choose your stupid boyfriend-"

"Stupid? At least he's my boyfriend and not some gamer boy who uses me for sex, just like both everyone and your family does," Jimin retorted gasping when he realized what he said, Taehyung frowned looking blankly at Jimin.

"O-oh," Taehyung's throat ran dry, Jimin placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder feeling bad immediately.

"I'm so sorry-"

"No, it's fine, he uses me but I couldn't care less because it feels better than what you said," Taehyung pushed past Jimin walking a separate way.

He threw his bag of lollipops into the bin as he entered the apartment with scowl on his face, he took off his backpack and threw it on the floor making a loud thud noise.

Jeongguk looked up from his phone pulling his hand out his pants and sitting up confused.

"Tae?" Jeongguk called out stepping out of bed and opening the door slightly worried that it was an intruder. That's when he saw Taehyung angrily walking up the stairs.

"Baby, are you-" Jeongguk was cut off by Taehyung grabbing the boys chin and pulling him into a harsh kiss, Jeongguk's eyes widened as he stumbled back into the room with Taehyung against him.

He was pushed on to his bed with Taehyung on top of him, he moaned as the others ass rubbed against his crotch. Taehyung pulled away looking down at the boy panting for air.

"Use me, gguk," Taehyung whispered and that pulled a trigger inside of Jeongguk. He flipped their positions so that Taehyung was below him, he reached for the beloved pink box and pulled out what he needed; a small vibrator,whip, and a gag.

"You sure, petal?" Jeongguk tugged the hum of Taehyung's pants who nodded focusing his gaze on the wall ahead of him.

Jeongguk hummed pulling them off and rubbing the others ass, he placed some hand cuffs on the boy — hands behind him — and placed some cuffs on the boys ankles. He used a leash thing and placed it so that the boy couldn't move his arms and legs.

"Tae, are you-"

"I said I want it Jeongguk, now hurry up," Taehyung growled and Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows not liking the way Taehyung responded, he grabbed the lube coating the vibrator with it and pushing it in to Taehyung's hole.

"Fuck," Taehyung moaned and Jeongguk grabbed a whip hitting Taehyung's wrists and ass. Taehyung winced letting out a cry as he threw his head back, Jeongguk hit him again making him grunt.

"This is a punishment baby, don't enjoy it too much," Jeongguk muttered turning the vibrator on higher, he bit his lip feeling is boner from earlier getting harder.

"Then go rough with me, bitch," Taehyung swore on purpose still mad from what happened earlier, Jeongguk gritted his teeth disconnecting the leash and harshly pushing Taehyung's legs down.

He rose the whip high in the air hitting Taehyung with full force, Taehyung yelped tears forming in his eyes, Jeongguk showed no mercy and swapped the whip in hand hitting harder that before.

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