thirty; pink

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"Jeon, they're trying to marry me off to someone again!" Taehyung groaned as he sat down on his bed scrolling through flights available for tomorrow.

Jeongguk gnawed on his lip growing angrier over the information he was given, he let go of Taehyung and leaned against him looking at the flights as Taehyung fiddled with his credit card.

"Hey, what do you think about Netherlands? It's summer so it must be amazing there," Taehyung turned to Jeongguk who nodded but Taehyung wasn't pleased by his lack of words. "Are you mad?"

"Hm? No, come on quick," Jeongguk cleared his throat pecking Taehyung's cheek, the other nodded not believing him but decided not to push it.

"I need to go to the mall, do you wanna come? Jim told me my hair looks dead," Taehyung pouted ruffling his hair.

"Of course I will, and fuck that dog looking ass, you look perfect no matter what," Jeongguk scoffed sitting up and following Taehyung who laughed placing his card back into his wallet.

Jeongguk whistled as he spun the key on his finger and sat down in his car with Taehyung who fixed his hair, Jeongguk yelped when he felt something poke his ass.

"What?!" Taehyung snapped his head to Jeongguk who sat up pulling out the necklace he brought for Taehyung that had been placing in a box with sharp edges.

"Nothing," he hid the necklace in his back pocket starting up the car, Taehyung shrugged it off leaning against the window and staring out into the distance.

Jeongguk glanced at him trying to keep his eyes on the road but Taehyung's ethereal beauty was making him think twice.

"Eyes on the road, Jeon," Taehyung caught Jeongguk through the reflection making Jeongguk blush madly and looks away with a smirk. He placed his hand on Taehyung's thigh giving it a squeeze and a few rubs loving how tense Taehyung got.

Eventually they arrived and they stepped out connecting their hands together. Jeongguk lead the way in and pulled Taehyung close to him when people walked past.

"I-Is that him?" Taehyung tensed up noticing a blue haired male in the crowd, he began to  shake the noises around him blocking off, Jeongguk shook his head pecking the boys temple. Taehyung snapped out of it and rushed towards a haircut shop that was next to an art supplies.

"It'll take me a while so you can go somewhere else," Taehyung croaked out walking into the art shop with tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Jeongguk noticed that and turned the boy around wiping his tears.

"Tae, I'm not leaving you alone anywhere like I promised," Jeongguk sternly spoke making Taehyung feel butterflies. He smiled his breathing still shaky as more blue haired people came in and the colour blue surrounded him.

He let out a whimper not wanting to be surrounded by anyone and let go of Jeongguk's hand and backed away slightly.

"Tae-" Jeongguk was cut off by Taehyung's scared look towards him, Taehyung looked around everyone's face morphing into the man he despised the most. He desperately looked around for Jeongguk feeling his heart stop.

"Tae, I'm right here!" Jeongguk grabbed Taehyung's wrist pulling him to the back of the shop where it was empty and quiet. "Tae can you hear me?"

Taehyung pulled his wrist back pushing himself up against the wall staring at Jeongguk with a scared expression.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk shook the boy who was not coming back to reality which scared him more and more. Taehyung let out a cry sliding down the wall and burying his face into his chest.

"ggukie," He cried out grasping on to his hair and closing his eyes. "H-help me,"

Jeongguk bit his lip tearing up and kneeling down to Taehyung's level, he placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and used the other to lift his head up.

"Baby I'm right here," Jeongguk softly spoke bringing Taehyung back to reality, he gasped pulling Jeongguk into a tight hug and breathing heavily. "I think we should go home baby," Jeongguk mumbled making Taehyung pull away.

"No, we need to do this for tomorrow," Taehyung stood up along with Jeongguk who sighed still shaken up from Taehyung's sudden episode.

"You must have been so scared," Jeongguk turned to Taehyung who wiped his tears and smiled softly at the boy.

"I'm fine now, gguk," He cleared his throat sniffing and turning to the counter getting ready to pay for his art supplies but Jeongguk gently moved him out of the way and paying instead.

"What colour?" Jeongguk changed the topic as they stood in front of the haircut shop. Taehyung hummed thinking carefully.

"Pink," he answered and spoke to the hairdresser, she smiled leading him to the chair and leaving Jeongguk to watch from afar.

The boy sighed sitting down and taking his phone out scrolling through his Instagram comments and trying to reply to all of them.
He did this for an hour or two until he looked up bored.

His eyes widened at the sight of Taehyung looking himself through the mirror as the hairdresser finished with his hair and lead him to the till.

Jeongguk stood up paying for his haircut immediately getting a whine and smack on his arm. He smirked happy he was spoiling his baby and walked out holding the necklace in his hand.

"How do I look?" Taehyung smiled turning to Jeongguk who moved behind placing the necklace on to the boy and smiling.



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5 updates Sheesh praise me 😭

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