thirty one; Netherlands

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Taehyung yawned brushing his teeth whilst Jeongguk slept peacefully in his bed, they had finished packing the night before and were tired from shopping all day, Taehyung was still mad that Jeongguk was paying for everything but shrugged it off and walked out the bathroom.

He hummed a soft melody taking out a white loose top made from silk and white shorts, he glanced back at Jeongguk who was still sleeping and slipped off his top and clothes.

"Damn, am I in heaven or something?" Jeongguk rubbed his eyes looking at Taehyung who blushed madly under the moonlight as he got dressed. Jeongguk stood up pecking the boys cheek before walking off to get dressed.

He yawned turning his room light on and looking out his window to see the sun rising from afar, he sighed picking up his toothbrush and brushing his teeth.

Taehyung yawned pulling the suitcases down the stairs almost tripping but gained back his balance, his stomach growled making him turn red even though no one heard him.

He sang lightly turning the kitchen light on and taking out a few snacks which he shoved into his backpack, he then took out more ice cream and ate some waiting for Jeongguk to come down.

He around when he saw Jeongguk walking down wearing all black contrasting with his white outfit, he checked him out before turning away and putting his ice cream away.

"Woah the driver arrives well quick," Jeongguk hummed impressed and picked up their suitcases walking over to the door with Taehyung rushing behind him.

"What if we die on the plane?" Taehyung sat down turning to Jeongguk who looked at him in disbelief.

"Why the fuck do you always think that?" Jeongguk questioned as they set off to the airport, he pulled his phone out clicking on Jimin's contact and typing away.

Taehyung glanced at his phone but didn't suspect anything and instead laid his head on Jeongguk's shoulder and stared out the window with furrowed eyebrows. His phone began to buzz knowing his parents had called him already, he rolled his eyes switching it on to silent and ignored the calls.

Jeongguk bit his lip glaring at Taehyung's phone before focusing on the road again. They shared a comfortable listening to the song on the radio as they drove to the airport scrolling through their phones.

Taehyung clicked on his wattpad scrolling through a profile and clicking on a book called 'Best Friends' he smiled reading the first chapter.

Jeongguk smiled placing his hand on Taehyung's thigh as he scrolled through funny memes on tiktok, he looked up when he saw the airport come in view.

Taehyung was about to pay but Jeongguk cut him off and instead pulled out some cash handing it to the driver before stepping out.

"Why are you always paying?!" Taehyung scolded taking his suitcase in his hand and walking into the airport with Jeongguk laughing behind him.

Time skip 💦

"Get some sleep, your eyebags are starting to show," Jeongguk pushed Taehyung's head onto his shoulder again and switched his phone onto airplane mode. Taehyung pouted touching his eyes softly, he was about to switch his phone off but Taehyung's dad began to call.

Jeongguk gritted his teeth watching Taehyung decline the call and switch his phone into airplane mode. He patted the boy's thigh softly and glanced at him to make sure he was asleep.

The long flight began and Jeongguk hesitantly took Taehyung's phone and unlocked it with his finger. He turned off airplane mode and called Taehyung's dad.


"Leave him the fuck alone, he is mine and not for you to sell," Jeongguk growled ending the call and switching the phone off.
He closed his eyes leaning against Taehyung and also fell asleep.

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