𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗲; punish him

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Jeongguk sat on his couch looking at all the things he had brought last night; whips, pink fluffy handcuffs, butt plugs, small to large vibrators, cockrings, lingerie set, fish nets? Jeongguk what- a gag, leash, dildos and lastly someone blindfolds.

"Yo what the fuck am I gonna do with these?" Jeongguk regretted wasting his money on the other items aside from the whips.

He shot his head up when he heard Taehyung throwing up he stood up getting ready to rush to Taehyung but then realized he was still angry at the boy.

He sat back down crossing his legs and bouncing his foot as he waited for Taehyung to walk downstairs. He turned his head to the stairs to see Taehyung rubbing his eyes as he slowly walked down the stairs.

"ggukie?" Taehyung spoke his voice raspy from all the yelling he did and his lip hurting from when he got punched.

Jeongguk didn't answer him and he continued facing the TV staring at Taehyung's reflection as the boy got closer to him, he sat there waiting like a hunter for his prey.

"gguk-" Taehyung was cut off when Jeongguk pulled Taehyung towards him causing him to fall on over his lap. Taehyung mentally groaned when he remembered what happened last time.

"Baby, what were you doing last night?" Jeongguk asked rubbing Taehyung's ass gently and slowly pull the others boxers off.

"I-I had a job interview," Taehyung hoped he hadn't bumped into Jeongguk on the way but his memories began to kick and he whined knowing he was done for.

"Do not lie to me, petal," Jeongguk softly spoke almost as if he was giving Taehyung a chance. "What did you do yesterday?" Jeongguk asked again this time more sternly and lightly tapping Taehyung's ass.

"I went to class with Jimin, then I went to my job interview," Taehyung gulped as Jeongguk hummed. "T-then we went clubbing," Taehyung yelped when Jeongguk delivered a hit.

"I-I got drunk-ah!" Taehyung covered his mouth as Jeongguk hit him harder.   "T-then I thought Jimin was you..." The air was tense and Jeongguk poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue as he waited for Taehyung to finish.

"So I kissed him-" Taehyung whimpered closing his eyes waiting for a hit.

"I don't think my hand is gonna teach you," Jeongguk picked up the whip and smacked Taehyung's ass causing a loud sound to travel around the air.

"I-I'm sorry!" Taehyung moaned as Jeongguk repeatedly hit him at the thought of Taehyung kissing someone else.

"Sorry, huh? How many mistakes is it gonna take you to learn?!" Jeongguk yelled and Taehyung threw his head back whining.

"From now on you're only to touch me," Jeongguk was still not satisfied with whipping so he picked up the smallest vibrator and carefully pushed it into Taehyung.

"A-ah, what are you doing?" Taehyung looked back but Jeongguk gently moved his face back forth as the vibrator got deeper inside.

"Punishing you," Jeongguk replied with a monotone voice and pulled Taehyung's shorts back up. "Go kiss Jimin," Jeongguk lifted Taehyung up and placed the boy on the couch leaving him there.

"ggukie- wait!" Taehyung called after Jeongguk but the boy shut his room door with a loud slam and locked it so that Taehyung couldn't get in.

Jeongguk smirked looking at the vibrator control he has. He started up his live and waved at everyone before logging into a game.

"Well, this live stream might be weird since I've got a baby downstairs who is currently in time out," Jeongguk showed the vibrator control and winked at the audience who began spamming the chat.

jeonstits: JEON TURN IT ON

"Let's enjoy some music, shall we?" Jeongguk pressed the highest control on the remote and grinned when he heard Taehyung moan.

He left it on for a bit and focused on playing his game, completely forgetting about it.

"Fuck fuck fuck! Why do they just appear out of no where?" Jeongguk groaned shooting the characters down as causing him to hit the remote with his elbow.

"Ah! Jeongguk!" Taehyung moaned covering his mouth as the vibrator went onto his highest setting, he cried cumming for the 3rd time all over himself and the couch as he laid down.

"gguk, gguk!" Taehyung whimpered loudly his pelvis twitching as he came once again without touching himself. He panted for air closing his eyes and smiling as he began to enjoy himself.

"Ah!" Taehyung yelped as the vibrator brushed his prostate causing him to get closer to his climax.

"Jeongguk!" Taehyung yelled years streaming down his face as he came once again.

"Who keeps calling my name?" Jeongguk paused his game and looked around the room to see there was no one there. He turned back to his chat and read the comments.


"Shit!" Jeongguk ended the live quickly standing up and unlocking his door, he ran down the stairs to see Taehyung panting for air on the couch as he came again.

"Shit baby, I'm so sorry I forgot," Jeongguk pulled the vibrator out and turned it off. He looked at Taehyung who fell on to the couch eyes failing to stay open.

"ggukie, that felt nice," Taehyung mumbled his legs occasionally twitching and heart beat racing.

"My poor puppy," Jeongguk mentally swore at himself for forgetting and he picked Taehyung up. He smirked inwardly when he saw all the cum Taehyung had shot.

"Are you still mad at me?" Taehyung asked his voice raspy from all the moaning. Jeongguk shook his head as he carried the boy to the bathroom to clean him up.

"How can I stay mad at cutie like you?" Jeongguk looked down at Taehyung who smiled tiredly and slowly closed his eyes as sleep began to devour him.

Jeongguk waited for the bathtub to fill up as he stripped the half asleep Taehyung. Jeongguk gulped looking at Taehyung's body before putting him in the bath tub.

"ggukie?" Taehyung called out and Jeongguk hummed softly as he scrubbed the boy. "Jiminie says Hoseok fucks him, can you teach me how that works?"

"Not today baby,"


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