𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻; pouty

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edit; guys it's clearly says he's muted pls read properly and stop commenting the same thing it's getting annoying

Jeongguk sat on his chair playing with his friends not live streaming this time, he turned to Taehyung who was sitting on his bed colouring in the room with a pout.

"He's still upset from yesterday," Jeongguk chuckled with his friend and Taehyung glared at him breaking his pencil due to how hard he was pressing on it. He sighed getting up to sharpen his pencil but Jeongguk turned around on his chair and pulled him towards him.

"Hey, I'm sorry," Jeongguk turned his mic off and pulled Taehyung on to his lap. Taehyung whined trying to get off but Jeongguk the other held him down and buried his face into Jeongguk's neck.

"Can I suck your dick?" Taehyung turned to Jeongguk who dropped his smile and glared at him.

"And where did you learn that?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung pointed at his mic indicating his friend. Jeongguk groaned turning his mic on briefly just to talk, muting when he was done.

"Guys, can you stop teaching Taehyung stuff like that?" Jeongguk scolded and his friends cackled not caring what effect they had.

"You said you wanted it, let me suck-"

"No, not yet," Jeongguk cut him off and Taehyung hummed trying to think of a new thing to ask, he looked down at Jeongguk and grinned.

"Teach me how to do that," Taehyung did the hand motion of jerking off and Jeongguk bit his lip debating whether he should take the boys innocence or not.

I'll just teach him and tell him not to do it again, poor boy has blue balls by now. Jeongguk nodded and Taehyung cheered.

"Come on, turn around and face my pc, I'll demonstrate," Jeongguk instructed and Taehyung eagerly sat on Jeongguk's lap facing forward.

Taehyung bit his lip as Jeongguk's hand travelled down to his shorts and fingers stopped at the hem of them.

"Hurry up!" Taehyung began to get impatient and Jeongguk chuckled pushing his hand further down so that it was in Taehyung's underwear. Taehyung gasped when Jeongguk's cold hand gripped his shaft, he clenched his jaw excited for what was next.

"Don't be loud, okay baby?" Jeongguk whispered incase his friends could still hear him, Taehyung gulped nodding as Jeongguk began to pump his dick up and down.

"Ah, that feels weird," Taehyung moaned his chest rising up and down, arching back ever so slightly and letting his head fall back onto Jeongguk's shoulder.

"Does it feel good?" Jeongguk asked his voice deep and husky, Taehyung rubbed his knees together and moaned in return. Jeongguk smirked using his other hand to roam around Taehyung's torso.

"P-please go faster," Taehyung begged and Jeongguk bit his lip grinning as he pretended he didn't hear the boy and went slower. "Please, i-it hurts, go faster!" Taehyung whined and Jeongguk decided to listen and he flicked his wrist faster.

"ggukie, t-too much!" Taehyung gasped for air as he tried holding back his moans, Jeongguk pecked his neck as he slowed down and waited for Taehyung to calm down.

"You don't do this alone, or ill be mad," Jeongguk nibbled onto Taehyung's ear and Taehyung hummed a yes still squirming on Jeongguk's lap once the boy began to speed up again.

"I-I feel weird," Taehyung's moan got louder and higher as Jeongguk jerked him off quicker and quicker, Taehyung tried to pry his hands off but he was shaking due to how sensitive he was.

"Ah!" Taehyung arched his back his body twitching intensely as he came all over Jeongguks hand, Jeongguk held him down as he kept shooting out cum and whimpering.

Taehyung breathed heavily as sweat dripped down his neck, he closed his eyes feeling tired but quickly opened them when he realized he still needs to try himself.

"My turn! Sit on my lap," Taehyung was about to stand up but Jeongguk held him down and chuckled.

"No, I think you know how to do it now," Jeongguk bit his lip, he did want Taehyung to return the favour but he didn't want to force the other into anything.

Fine then, I'll practice tomorrow whilst you're with your friends.

I don't like how I feel when I write this chapters 😭😭 I get butterflies 😩🔫

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