𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿; Leave me alone!

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Jeongguk yawned waking up feeling way better since Taehyung had stayed up taking care of him all night. He turned to the door where Taehyung walked in fully dressed for his art school.

"If you feel sick again, call me, okay?" Taehyung pecked Jeongguk's forehead but the other pulled him down for a kiss on the lips.

Taehyung pulled away blushing and rushing to college, he grinned thinking about what he could do with Jeongguk once they got home, his smile dropped when he saw Jimin waiting at their usual spot.

Taehyung casted his head low and tried to walk past but Jimin turned him around and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I should've reasoned with you instead of saying all those things," Jimin cried and Taehyung smiled hugging the boy back.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I called your boyfriend stupid," Taehyung pulled away and Jimin hummed wiping his tears before leading the way to college.

"Did you end up going to Hawaii?" Jimin turned to Taehyung who nodded grinning at the memory.

"I went with gguk, and you won't believe what happened! I ran away from a wedding my parents set up and then ended up dating gguk," Taehyung giggled and Jimin looked at him shocked.

"You're lying," jimin shook his head but Taehyung pulled his phone out typing his name and pushing it towards jimin.

"See, I'm an honest man," Taehyung took his phone back and Jimin looked at Taehyung with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows.

"What the fuck?! I left you unintended and you run away from a fucking wedding?!" Jimin yelled and Taehyung grinned walking faster before Jimin could hit him.

"I'll see you after class," Jimin waved goodbye to Taehyung who entered his classroom greeting his classmates.

"Taehyung, you haven't done your assignment so you'll be staying behind until you complete it," The teacher announced making Taehyung turn bright red but nodding anyway.

Jeongguk sighed letting out a moan after nutting god knows how many times, he grabbed the toilet paper by his desk and wiped everything away before getting up to wash his hands.

He glanced at the time grinning when it was an hour before Taehyung would come home, his heartbeat fastened at the thought of the boy.

"Tae, I need to visit my gran suddenly so I won't be able to walk with you," Jimin frowned but Taehyung smiled holding his art book close to his chest.

"It's alright, I've got a detention anyway," Taehyung sighed annoyed that he wouldn't be able to see Jeongguk for hours. "Hope all that-" Taehyung shook his hand up and down before continuing, "Will help me draw faster,"

"Gosh it's so weird that you know what that is now, poor innocent Tae," Jimin squeezed Taehyung's cheeks as they stood in front of the art room again.

"So long, soldier," Taehyung frowned and Jimin fake cried before rushing off to his grandma's house. Taehyung sighed greeting the art teacher and continuing his work.

"Taehyung, why haven't you done it?" The Italian man asked making Taehyung grow red from the fact half of the time he was either banging Jeongguk or running from his problems.

"I'm too slow," He responded opening his pack of pencils before starting.

"Why is he taking so long?" Jeongguk spoke to himself as he chewed on the apple watching the clock strike 11pm, he assumed Taehyung was taking extra classes so he hadn't bothered calling but it was the hour they ended.

Taehyung had luckily finished a few minutes before and hummed strolling the down the streets with a small smile and earphones on blast, his phone began to buzz bringing him back to reality. He grinned when he saw Jeongguk's caller ID and was about to answer it until a pair of hands pulled him back.

innocent; kv ✓Where stories live. Discover now