𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲; skincare

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Taehyung walked around the apartment rubbing his skin with a face massager that blended all his products in. He sighed sitting down next to Jeongguk who was watching live stream of his on TV.

"You're never mad at me," Taehyung turned to Jeongguk who smiled turning to the boy and ruffling the boys hair.

"How can I be mad at you, you're too cute to be mad at," Jeongguk sighed falling back into a trance of love before Taehyung gave him a judgemental look as blush covered his face.

"Whatever, I'll make you mad even if it ends up with me killing you," Taehyung huffed massaging his face roughly. Jeongguk noticed how the balls of the massagers rolled over Taehyung's skin, making the other look so squishy and kissable.

"You're really bad at playing games," Taehyung spoke out looking at the great shots Jeongguk was getting.

"Whatever you say, sugar," Jeongguk turned back to the TV analysing what he could do better next time and tried finding any Easter eggs.

"jeongguk Jeongguk Jeongguk Jeongguk Jeongguk Jeongguk Jeongguk," Taehyung repeatedly said Jeongguk's name and Taehyung kept going until Jeongguk yelled at him.

"Daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy-"

"Taehyung." Jeongguk sternly spoke and Taehyung smirked happy that Jeongguk was getting mad.

"Daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy," Taehyung began to get out of breath and panted every time he said daddy. Jeongguk turned to him and placed a hand over Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung whined licking Jeongguk's hand and touching his face with an annoyed expression.
"You ruined my skincare!" Taehyung yelled standing up and coming back with a spot terminating lotion.

He pushed his head back and squirted it into his face, Jeongguk gulped when the white liquid strolled down Taehyung's face and down his neck.

"Why are you looking at me as if you're gonna eat me?" Taehyung questioned rubbing the product into his skin.

"Because you look like a snack," Jeongguk winked and Taehyung blushed looking away and looked around trying to find another way to annoy Jeongguk.


"That doesn't annoy me." Jeongguk cut him off before Taehyung could even start. The other whined grabbing Jeongguk's arm and shaking him back and forth trying to get a reaction. "Oh that reminds me, please don't do anything that requires you to make weird noises or be naked when I'm streaming," Jeongguk turned to Taehyung who frowned.

"Do I embarrass you?" Taehyung asked avoided Jeongguk's stare, the other lifted his head up from his chin and smiled warmly at him.

"Of course not petal, I don't want other people seeing how perfect you are, they might steal you," Jeongguk squished Taehyung's red cheeks and went back to his stream.

Taehyung began watching too and listened carefully to what they were talking about.

"Why are you guys always saying fucking, what is cool about fucking? The bad word-"

"Hey, you can't use that language!" Jeongguk covered Taehyung's mouth glaring at him, he skipped that certain part of the stream and continued watching it where his friends weren't there.

"Stop ruining my skincare," Taehyung responded annoyed, he stood up walking over to his room leaving Jeongguk to watch his stream angrily, "And why can't I?! You do it!" He huffed nudging the latter only to get no response.

Taehyung kissed his teeth shutting the door behind him and turning on his pc.

"That's not the type of reaction I wanted, he was meant to be more aggressive," Taehyung scoffed going to Jeongguk's recent live stream and skipping to the part Jeongguk skipped from.

"Jeongguk, what turns you on, I'm sure your fans would love to know," a friend asked.

"Being called daddy can be nice if they use it and say it the right time, and definitely choking or something like that, my roommate has such a cute ass it actually turns me on"

"Oh my god, he's gonna see this," another laughed and Jeongguk laughed with him.

"He won't, gosh but he's really cute, I hope I get with him,"

"How would you?"

"Why the fuck do you care? He's my roommate, fuck off," Jeongguk growled and his friend snorted.

"I know, aww Jeongguk's mad-"

"Shut the fuck up before I fuck you with your own dick," Jeongguk laughed and his friend rolled his eyes.

"Taehyung's ass, so pretty, his body, so pretty! I want to t-"

"That's enough. Let's take a break now," Jeongguk paused the stream and Taehyung skipped past the intermission.

"Y'all see that? He gets mad over the littlest things, talk about his roommate and he'll rip your mouth, Tae if you're watching this, go to Jeongguk when he's live and say fuck you," his friend laughed and Taehyung tilted his head listening carefully.

"Why isn't he back? Is he finally getting his dick sucked by his roomie?"

Taehyung listened for a little longer but it got boring so he turned his pc off and hopped into his bed planning on how to annoy Jeongguk.

"Suck his dick? Is that good or bad?"

do it coward

innocent; kv ✓Where stories live. Discover now