twenty five; shut the fuck up

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Jeongguk sat on his chair looking back at his door and glancing at Taehyung's door that was opposite his. He sighed rubbing his head in frustration hating himself for being so blind.

He grabbed his head set placing it on his head to distract himself from his worried thoughts, as his PC turned on the sound of Taehyung's door opening took over. He stood up yanking the headset off and rushing to Taehyung who looked at him confused.


"Don't call me that," Taehyung deadpanned still angry at Jeongguk from yesterday.

"Tae, where are you going?" Jeongguk cleared his throat hurt by Taehyung's remark but he knows damn well his actions were pure bullshit.

"College, or what you'd like to call fucking other men," Taehyung pushed past gripping onto his art book tightly, Jeongguk took a deep breath holding Taehyung by his shoulder and turning him around.

"Baby," Jeongguk pulled Taehyung into a hug that Taehyung tried restraining from. "Stay home, yeah? I don't want you getting hurt,"

Taehyung bit his lip shaking in Jeongguk's arm, he took a deep breath wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's neck and letting a few cries.

"Shhh, it's okay," Jeongguk whispered pecking Taehyung's ear and massaging the boy's waist listening to Taehyung with a soft frown on his face. He moved his hand up to Taehyung's head massaging it lightly as the boy cried silently into his neck.

"I'm sorry," Taehyung hiccuped making Jeongguk's heart stop.

"Nothing is your fault, I'm sorry for accusing you of such things," Jeongguk whispered kissing the boy's head. Taehyung sniffed pulling away and kissing the others soft lips.

"Can we go back to being boyfriends?" Taehyung pouted making Jeongguk's heart turn into a butterfly itself, he smiled pulling Taehyung into a soft kiss.

"Of course baby," Jeongguk responded biting his lip as tears began to dwell in his eyes. He let out a sob pulling Taehyung into a hug again. "Fuck I'm so sorry," Jeongguk cried as Taehyung froze, he hadn't seen Jeongguk cry for a while.

"I-its okay," Taehyung kissed Jeongguk's ear rocking them side to side, Taehyung let go feeling uneasy again. "gguk, I-I feel weird,"

"What's wrong? Are you gonna pass out? Are you hurt?" Jeongguk gently lifted Taehyung by his chin and looked for any injuries. Taehyung gritted his teeth leaning against Jeongguk as the gross feeling crept up on him.

Jeongguk lifted Taehyung like a baby and walked over to his bed, he sat down on the bed with Taehyung on his lap burying his face into his bicep.

"You look like you haven't slept," Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows examining the tired boy.

"I-I keep- I keep thinking he's gonna g-get me," Taehyung hiccuped and Jeongguk kissed his head hushing him softly.

"I'm here now, I'll keep you safe, get some sleep," Jeongguk placed Taehyung onto his bed moving his hands down to Taehyung button up top. "I'm gonna unbutton just a few, okay?"

Taehyung nodded closing his eyes and blushing as Jeongguk unbuttoned the top three buttons, then slipped off his socks and hesitantly removed his pants. Taehyung quickly fell asleep with Jeongguk watching over him.

"I love you," Jeongguk whispered pecking Taehyung's forehead and pulling the duvet over his fragile body. He walked out the room shutting the door slightly and locked himself in Taehyung's room.

"Fuck!" He yelled punching the door and grabbing fistfuls of his hair in anger, he let out a cry leaning against the door with tears falling from his face. "I'm gonna fucking kill him!"

Jeongguk walked out the room storming down the stairs and slipping his shoes on, he gritted his teeth grabbing his car keys that he rarely used since he never went outside.

"Fucking cunt," He spat speeding down the roads and down to the hated males house. "Open the fucking door!" Jeongguk yelled hitting the door rapidly to reveal a woman looking at him confused.

"Move," Jeongguk shoved past running around searching each room for the man, his head shot up towards the stairs and he rushed up. "You fucking shit bag!" Jeongguk yelled grabbing the boy by his collar and pinning him against the wall.

"Huh, looks like someone finally found out?" The boy smirked, Jeongguk spat on to the boy's face earning a punch.

"Shut the fuck up," Jeongguk pushed the boy on to the ground getting on top of him and punching him repeatedly. The other grunted throwing a punch against Jeongguk's mouth but the boy was unaffected.

"Punch me all you want! It won't change the fact I fucked your little sex toy, his cute little cries and whim-"

"I said shut the fuck up!" Jeongguk grabbed a vase holding it high above his head getting ready to smash it on the boy below but a hand stopped him.

"Taewon, what are you- you did what?!" The woman yelled making the blue haired boy look up at her with wide eyes.

"Honey what's happening?" A man walked in with messy hair and looked at everyone with a confused face.

"He's no longer our son, he's a rapist," She spat reminding Jeongguk off what he did, Jeongguk grunted yanking his hand out of the woman's hold and letting go of the case that smashed on to the boy's face.

"Raise your kids right," Jeongguk spat before standing up and rushing out, he slammed the door behind him sitting down in his car and punching the steering wheel.

He pushed the gas paddle driving the down to streets and getting to their apartment quickly.

Taehyung let out a few cries burying his head into his knees, he shot his head up turning to the door to reveal Jeongguk looking at him worriedly.

"You okay? I had to do something," Jeongguk softly shut the door behind him and rushed over to Taehyung, he gently pushed the boy down and covered him once again.

"W-what happed to your lip?" Targeting reached out for the boy's lip but Jeongguk smiled pushing his hands down gently.

"I bumped into a wall rushing to you, now get some sleep, I promise I won't leave," Jeongguk caressed Taehyung's face.

"I'll forever be with you,"

when I said the story was gonna be short but it turns out to have twenty+ chaps so then u plan on ending it in chapter 30 but you create a drama that's gonna take more chaps to recover from 😍

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