𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻; do you ever leave?

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Jeongguk moaned as he dreamt of sex for god knows how many times. He was cut off when sunlight hit his face making him shoot awake.

"Gosh, you even make the noises in your sleep," Taehyung looked down at Jeongguk who groaned pulling his duvet up to his face.

"Do you ever leave the apartment?" Taehyung crossed his arms and Jeongguk fell back to sleep, Taehyung sighed his eyes landing on the pink box again, Jeongguk had forgotten to hide it so Taehyung took this opportunity to steal it. 

"Where are you going?" Jeongguk mumbled and Taehyung mentally cursed hiding the box behind his back.

"Eat," He quickly responded before running to his room, he grinned locking the door behind him and shutting his curtains. He sat on his bed with the box sitting in front of him, he opened it once again to reveal all sorts of things that were packed away so uniquely for them to fit.

"What the," He pulled out the dildo he hit himself with yesterday and tossed it behind him, he tipped out all the toys, he gasped seeing a pair of chains and a choker. He tilted his head pulled the clothing out, in his hand was a pair of black leather shorts that had strings and chains handing down from them, they were fit to stick to your thighs and waist.

Taehyung looked at his door before standing up and pulling his clothes off, he struggled to attach the chains and chokers properly but managed, he then noticed a leash and tilted his head connecting it to his choker, he turned to his mirror and gasped at his appearance.

"Wait, I can't get it off," Taehyung spoke to himself realizing he had forgotten how he had placed it.

"Tae? I thought you were eating?" Jeongguk called out from outside his door, Taehyung cursed yanking the chains trying to get it off but failing, he turned to the door handle that was being twisted but was luckily stopped by the lock.

"I'm not hungry anymore!" Taehyung yelled back desperately yanking the chains, he cursed when his hand slid off and hit the box that fell to the ground with a loud thud and rattle.

"Hey, what are you doing in there? Are you hurt?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung panicked trying to think of an excuse, but he couldn't think of one.

"gguk, do you promise to not get mad when I open the door?" Taehyung walked towards the door and Jeongguk gave it a confused look.

"Why? What have you done?" Jeongguk questioned growing curious by the second, Taehyung whimpered still trying to get the bondages off of him.

"Just promise!" Taehyung yelled placing his fingers on the lock, Jeongguk stepped back crossing his arms positive that Taehyung broken something.

"I promise-" Jeongguk was cut off by the sound of the door unlocking and footsteps patting away, he opened the door confused and his eyes landed on the bondaged Taehyung on the bed staring up at him nervously. Jeongguk felt a lump in his throat as his eyes examined every detail; the leash attached to the choker, the harness around Taehyung's tiny and exposed torso, the black leather shorts with tight chains and thigh's decorated with a thin gold chain.

He let go of the door and walked towards Taehyung who stared up at him with innocent and worried eyes, Jeongguk grabbed the front of the choker (the leash was attached at the back) and pulled Taehyung close to his face slightly choking the boy who moaned in response.

"What did I say about touching those types of things?" He whispered looking straight into Taehyung's eyes, Taehyung closed his eyes leaning forward as if he had fallen under some spell, Jeongguk closed his eyes connecting their lips and pushing Taehyung down on to the bed.

Taehyung gasped when Jeongguk flipped him over so that his stomach was on the bed, he looked back at Jeongguk shocked when the other pulled down a zip that was at the back of the shorts. But, it wasn't for removal but instead for entry.

Jeongguk stripped off his clothes and pulled Taehyung's ass up, he knelt down on the floor and inserted his tongue slowly into Taehyung who moaned pushing himself backward, he arched his back as Jeongguk inserted a finger with his tongue.

Jeongguk used his other hand to detach the chains from Taehyung's thighs, he pulled his tongue out and instead added another finger, he stood up leaning over and pulled Taehyung into a kiss as he thrusted his finger in and out.

"You ready?" Jeongguk whispered and Taehyung nodded desperately at this point. Jeongguk pulled his fingers out and pushed himself in, Taehyung let out pained moans lowering his head until Jeongguk was fully inside of him.

"F-fuck!" Taehyung yelped when Jeongguk accidentally found his prostate too fast, Jeongguk wrapped the leash around his fingers and yanked the boy backward, Taehyung moaned now on his knees and body pressed against Jeongguk's who was holding him back by the leash.

"You know what happens when you use that language," Jeongguk muttered into Taehyung ear and pushed him down harshly, he rose his hand in the air and brought it back down to Taehyung's butt cheeks.

"I-i'm sorry," Taehyung choked out as Jeongguk spanked him, Jeongguk hummed rolling his hips into Taehyung.

"Sorry what?" Jeongguk delivered a sharp thrust making Taehyung jerk forwards and moan loudly.

"I'm sorry daddy," Taehyung moaned and Jeongguk smirked satisfied, he began thrusting faster and rougher into Taehyung who moaned bouncing back and forth, his ass jiggling whenever it collided with Jeongguk's abdomen.

"Are you gonna do as I tell you next time, hm?" Jeongguk bit his lip letting out grunts and groans as Taehyung squeezed around him, he pulled the boy up by the list and rummaged into him, skin slapping noises filled the room along with loud whines and moans coming from both of them.

"I think I'm gonna pee," Taehyung grunted and Jeongguk let out a chuckle throwing his head back and speeding up so that he could cum in time with Taehyung, he pulled the boy further back by the leash so that the other's head was next to his.

Jeongguk tilted his head and so did Taehyung, their lips connected as Jeongguk pulled out coming all over Taehyung's ass and thighs, Taehyung came inside the shorts dropping on to the bed with Jeongguk who pulled him close to him.

They cuddled together until their heartbeats calmed down and breathing was back to normal, Taehyung took a deep breath in and bit the inside of cheeks.

"Jeon, I'm stuck in these shorts,"

Me writing this after discontinuing a smut book cus i said I cant write smut

Me writing this after discontinuing a smut book cus i said I cant write smut

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