𝗼𝗻𝗲 ; Minecraft & porn

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edit; changing chaps of this book Cus I was like 13 and messed up

"no, no no! Fuck, move!" A high pitch scream errupted and then laughter as the boy rapidly spammed the shift button as an attempt to run. "Creepers actually scare me, gosh," he sighed shaking his head before going back to his game and humming as he looked at the time.

"Okay everyone, I'll be logging off now, make sure to follow for more streams like this and follow my socials, they're the same as my twitch! Jeongguk, logging off!" Jeongguk saluted ending the live and making sure everything was shut down before doing anything.

"Finally," he sighed throwing himself onto his bed and pushing his hand down into his pants. He sighed going onto pornhub and began his regular activity.

He groaned throwing his head back as he sped up, he bit his lip as his member hardened by the second. He smiled trying to cum quicker as the feeling got too much.

"What are you doing?" Jeongguk immediately took his hand out his pocket and cleared his throat, he covered him legs so that the other couldn't see anything below there and he switched his phone.

"Nothing, just responding to fans, what's up?" He asked and the other waddled over to him and took a seat with doe eyes. Jeongguk cursed already knowing it's something he can't say no to but wish he could.

"Can you help me with my art work?" The other asked leaning closer to Jeongguk who sighed shaking his head. "Please! I'll help you with whatever you were doing!" He whined shaking Jeongguk's legs and Jeongguk sighed.

"You wouldn't want to," Jeongguk inwardly wished how the other would help his horny ass when he needed it but the other didn't even know how to orgasm.

Taehyung, you're driving me insane with that look of yours, Jeongguk stared at Taehyung who continued listing reasons on why Jeongguk should help him.

"Okay okay fine! What do I need to do?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung hummed looking around.

"I need to draw you and your room because it fits my project," Taehyung smiled and Jeongguk stared at him dazed before slowly nodding.

"Okay, and what will I get in return?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung tapped his chin thinking carefully. He smiled leaning close to Jeongguk's face.

"Whatever you want me to do," Taehyung leaned back flicking his hair "I'll be your slave, and you'll be my master!" Taehyung joked and Jeongguk choked.

"Are you okay?!" Taehyung gasped picking up some water and giving it to Jeongguk who chugged all of it.

"Just don't call yourself slave and me master," Jeongguk cleared his throat and Taehyung looked at him confused before thinking of a new saying, "It's so kinky,"

"Then what? You're my owner and I'm your pet?" Taehyung hummed not liking that idea, "nah, I wouldn't want to crawl around naked with a leash tied around my neck." There was a long silence before Taehyung spoke again. "Although that does sound fun-"

"No it doesn't, please stop saying those types of stuff, it makes me feel weird,"  Jeongguk pleaded and Taehyung looked at him confused.

"Why does it make you feel so weird? You don't wanna pull me with a leash? Oh well, then like you're my daddy? My dad used to boss me around a lot," Taehyung sighed and Jeongguk groaned grabbing Taehyung's cheeks and pulling him close to his face.

"How about, you're my Taehyung and I'm your Jeongguk, and you'll just do your art work," Jeongguk smiled and Taehyung nodded blushing madly at their closeness.

"Although, I do like the idea of me pulling you by a leash,"

idk how to get to the smut 🥵💀😋

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