thirty two; run for me

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Taehyung smiled standing on the balcony arm in arm with his fiance, he looked up at Jeongguk pulling him into a sweet kiss before going back to admiring the sun rising. They had gotten not that much sleep but the scene from yesterday was keeping their heart pumping faster and faster.

"gguk, how are we going to get married with the whole dad thing going?" Taehyung questioned, Jeongguk bit his lip rethinking what Jimin had told him.

"Go to the wedding," Jeongguk replied making Taehyung turn around shocked and confused. "You'll run as fast as you can for me, right?"

"Y-yeah, but what if they're far away?" Taehyung questioned making Jeongguk bite his lip growing worried too.

"I'll follow you and book a venue nearby, call your dad and find out," Jeongguk instructed and Taehyung nodded picking up his phone and anxiously dialling his dad's number.

"Now what?! If you don't-"

"I'm coming to the wedding," Taehyung gulped looking at Jeongguk who grew jealous of the sentence really quickly, he gripped on the balcony railing listening the conversation with a scowl on his face.

"I'm in Amsterdam right now, where are you?!"

"I-im in Amsterdam too,"

"Thank fuck for that, I'll move the wedding for tonight and come pick you up. Now hurry up its gonna be a long day."

Taehyung panicked ending the call and turning to Jeongguk who stood up staring at Taehyung worried.

"H-he's moved it tonight!" Taehyung breathed out making Jeongguk's eyes widen, he cursed texting Jimin desperately and began searching for Venues nearby. "H-here, the wedding his here!"

Jeongguk read the address and typed it in searching for any venues nearby. He called one that was a few minutes away but they declined his request which made him worry.

Taehyung panicked texting his friends to book an emergency flight to Amsterdam so that they could attend his wedding once Jeongguk found a Venue nearby and a priest.

"Tae, it's an hour away," Jeongguk felt tears dwell up in his eyes, Taehyung nodded pulling the boy into a kiss and glancing at his father's texts.

"I'll run for an hour if I have to," Taehyung replied and pulled Jeongguk into another kiss that lasted longer than the previous.

"A-and incase I don't come back, you'll come and take me, right?" Taehyung bit his lip looking up at Jeongguk who nodded pecking the boy's nose.

"I can't lose you."

hahaha but what if i- if I decided to piss everyone off 😂

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