𝘁𝗲𝗻; apologies

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Jeongguk sat on the couch watching TV, he was trying to get Taehyung off of his mind but it was hard. The boy's moans and body was stuck in his head, to make it worse he was sitting beside him sucking his thumb.

Why? Because he's trying to figure out why babies suck their thumbs for no reason.

"Sweetheart, can you stop that please?" Jeongguk turned to Taehyung who looked at him with doe eyes and obeyed pulling his thumb out with a trial of saliva following. Jeongguk let out a shaky sigh turning back to the TV and forgetting about Taehyung.

"ggukie, would you date me?" Taehyung turned to Jeongguk, the other snapped his head towards him taken back by the sudden question.

"What, why?" Jeongguk asked already knowing the answer but not saying it.

"Jimin said we should date, you're not that date worthy," Taehyung looked Jeongguk up and down who gasped offended.

"What's wrong with me?" Jeongguk placed a hand on his chest waiting for Taehyung to answer.

"Well, you're always in your room, you're really loud and you never pay attention to me," Taehyung listed all the flaws Jeongguk had and the boy sighed in relief that it wasn't his personality or looks.

"Well, you're not that date worthy either," Jeongguk retorted and Taehyung gasped placing a hand on his chest.

"Why?!" He questioned eagerly looking at Jeongguk who smirked at his reaction.

"You're disobedient, you're bratty, you're really innocent so that drives me crazy, you never sleep," Jeongguk stated and Taehyung huffed closing his eyes.

"I am now sleeping," Taehyung gave a thumbs up sitting there facing Jeongguk with his eyes closed.

"Hey, petal?" Jeongguk called out and Taehyung hummed keeping his eyes closed. "I'm sorry for being harsh on you yesterday and leaving you in that state," Jeongguk whispered and Taehyung grinned giving a thumbs indicating that it was okay.

"Now, how did you get that bruise?" Jeongguk touched Taehyung's lip and Taehyung blushed trying to not open his eyes.

"Jimin got punched cus this guy groped me and him, I yelled at him and he dragged us off the dance floor, when Jimin got punched I stepped in and he punched me too," Taehyung pouted feeling anger rise inside of him, Jeongguk also felt angry at the thought of Taehyung getting hurt.

"If you ever see that guy again, call me straight away," Jeongguk ruffled Taehyung's hair going back to his video. He continued to gently rub Taehyung's head causing the other to rock back and forth trying to fight off sleep.

"Am I annoying?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk snapped his head towards Taehyung too fast for his liking. He grunted rubbing his neck and instructing Taehyung to open his eyes.

"Why would you think that?" Jeongguk pushed Taehyung's head so that he was leaning on his shoulder.

"I'm always disturbing your streams, I accidentally made you really mad and I'm always around you, I ask really weird things because I don't know what they mean," Taehyung spoke in pout, Jeongguk looked down at Taehyung's head with a soft smile.

"Baby, I enjoy your company more than anything, there's nothing you could do to make me annoyed with you, maybe annoyed with what you do but never you," Jeongguk reassured Taehyung whose heart beat raced.

Damnit Jimin, now I'm falling for him because of your stupid ideas! Taehyung inwardly whined letting his head fall down to Jeongguk's lap.

Taehyung, you're really driving me insane, how can I make you mine? Jeongguk looked down at Taehyung who closed his eyes letting sleep devour him.

"I love you," Jeongguk whispered and Taehyung blushed quickly turning his head away from Jeongguk so he couldn't see.

I think me too

gosh I did something that I will never think about doing again 😭😭😭😭 ✌️🍑

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