thirty three; under flowers

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Jeongguk bit his lip crying as Jimin and Hoseok watched him confused. Hoseok sighed sitting down next to Jeongguk who sobbed into his hands messing his suit up.

"Don't worry bro, he'll make it in time, you're gonna ruin your hair," Hoseok scolded comforting the boy whilst guests began to arrive even though there was still time left for the wedding to start.

"Ow," Taehyung winced the stylist burning his ear as they curled his beautiful pink hair making him look like cotton candy.

"You shouldn't have run off the first time," his mother scolded making Taehyung roll his eyes as he stared at himself and fixed his silk dress that had more material on to it and was longer so that it was harder him to run.

"I need to go the toilet," Taehyung stood up walking over to the bathroom with his father guarding the door incase he tried to run off. He rolled his eyes locking the door and pulling his phone out.

They're stricter, they've made my dress heavier

will you be able to run?

Taehyung's head shot up when he heard his father talking out his door.

"We'll lock the doors from the outside so he can try opening them,"

They're locking the doors
I need to go now
I love you

Shit no
Taehyung you need to please
I love you so much

Jeongguk bit his lip showing the messages to Jimin and Hoseok who panicked looking at each other cluelessly.

"Maybe it's best to cancel it off," Hoseok sighed making Jeongguk's heart drop and stumble back but Jimin caught him.

"No, what the fuck? Bunch of idiots, we're going to get Taehyung ourselves, just go on with the wedding and shit," Jimin scoffed pulling Hoseok by his arm and rushing outside the room, he grabbed some keys that he had for a car he rented.

"Jim, how the fuck are we gonna get him?! He's locked in, we can't fucking break the lock," Hoseok yelled but Jimin rolled his eyes instructing him to drive faster.

"Hey, wait!" Jimin tapped Hoseok who stopped the car turning to him confused, Jimin stepped out the car looking at the figure with a gun in the woods.

"Excuse me!" He called out running over to the man who appeared to be Italian in his mid 50s, he quirked an eyebrow looking at Jimin confused.

"Gun, I need gun," Jimin explained in English but the Italian man shook his head holding the gun close to his chest.

"My child, you're child, you can't use gun!" He scolded and Jimin groaned rolling his eyes and grabbing the Italian man by the collar dragging him out of the woods.

Taehyung took deep breaths as he walked down the aisle arm in arm with his father once again, he closed his eyes feeling tears form in his eyes as he looked back at the doors being locked up.

He looked at the guests his eyes landing on a blue haired male, he felt panic rise up inside of him and he held on to his father tightly and looked around only more to appear around him.

He turned to his father who resembled the man himself, he panicked turning ahead of him to see the same man looking at him with a smirk.

J-jeongguk, jeongguk where are you?! Taehyung panicked looking around trying to spot the black haired boy but he saw blue that matched his mood.

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