𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲; favourite song

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Taekook sat back staring up at the sky with some shades on as they shared airpods, they sipped their drinks occasionally stealing glances or waving at kids who noticed both of them.

"Are you listening to me?! What the fuck have you done?!" A voice yelled from the airpods making the two wince turning the volume down.

"Baby, this songs a bit boring," Jeongguk turned to Taehyung who hummed turning his phone on.

"Baby? Song? Taehyung, what's going on right now?! Hey-" The voice was cut off when Taehyung ended the call, Jeongguk grinned admiring how ethereal Taehyung looked under the midday sun.

"That was my favourite song, so I'm quite offended," Taehyung bit his tongue slightly upset by how his parents were losing it and it hurt him to shatter their dreams.

"You should change it, I should be your favourite song," Jeongguk winked and Taehyung chuckled turning away and biting his lip. Jeongguk noticed that and placed a hand on the boys exposed thigh and gave it a small squeeze.

"Sir, are you crying? Did he hurt you?" A little girl came up making Taehyung clear his throat and wipe his tears. Jeongguk smiled at her but was mainly concerned about Taehyung.

"No honey, I'm okay I just stared at the sun too long," Taehyung smiled patting the girls head who began to scold him for doing such a dumb thing.

"Are you sure he isn't hurting you? Hey, hands off!" She patted Jeongguk's hand making the boy scoff and pull it away, he sat back watching the two talk to each other occasionally getting glares from the girl.

"Hey, that's my boyfriend!" Jeongguk jokingly exclaimed and the girl looked him up and down before turning back to Taehyung who looked down at her with a soft smile.

"Wait till I'm old enough!" She smiled before running off, Taehyung let out a laugh turning to Jeongguk who looked at him unpleased.

"Are you seriously mad? gguk, she's just a child!" Taehyung poked Jeongguk's bicep but the other scoffed looking away and ignoring the other.

"I'll give you a child," Jeongguk mumbled which Taehyung didn't hear.

"gguk! Come on," Taehyung laughed and Jeongguk bit his lip trying to stay mad at the cute boy. "daddy, come on," Taehyung whispered and Jeongguk choked making Taehyung burst into laughter.

Jeongguk cleared his throat grabbing Taehyung's wrist and pulling the boy behind him, Taehyung gasped almost tripping due to how fast the other was dragging him to the hotel.

"Hey, wait-" Taehyung yelped almost bumping into a wall, he quickly realized what was about to happen and gasped confused. "What the fuck? I haven't-" he shut up when he realized he swore.

Jeongguk shut their room door behind him and pinned Taehyung against the wall with their faces inches away from each other. Taehyung bit his lip looking into Jeongguk's eyes as the other leaned into kiss the boy.

They closed their eyes stripping off their clothes at each kiss, the warm rays of the sun hitting their backs as they kissed in front of the tinted window. Taehyung moaned as he was thrown on to the bed getting a perfect view of the sunset and himself.

"Do you not understand what no swearing means?" Jeongguk lightly hit Taehyung's ass making the boy jolt forward and letting out a small moan.

Jeongguk grinned always enjoying how the boy reacted to his hits.

"What the fuck are you gonna do?"

ok very very short update ik but they need to gtfo of Hawaii already

anyways please read my new book 'hitman' 🥺♡

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