𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁; job

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"yes- no! You fucking dumbass, can you not see where you're going!" Jeongguk screamed into the mic as Taehyung sat by his dressing table getting ready for college and a job interview. He was upset that his Easter holidays had ended so quickly.

"Shut up, why are you always yelling," Taehyung muttered under his breath as he applied some lip balm and brushed his hair. He sat up picking out an outfit.

He went for a soft yet serious look, his school dress code was not as strict but he was required to dress formally. He picked out a white Celine t-shirt and a black trench coat, he put on skinny black jeans and black Timberland boots.

He walked over to Jeongguk's room and knocked before entering. Jeongguk turned around and smiled at how cute the other looked when he was serious.

"I might be late today, I have a job interview," Taehyung walked over to Jeongguk's bed to collect his art supplies. Jeongguk hummed not pleased by that, he faced his pc and continued playing with his mic muted.

Taehyung walked over behind Jeongguk and wrapped his arms around the boys neck as he watched him play.

"What time do you need to leave?" Jeongguk asked worried Taehyung was going to be late.

"I've still got 15 minutes," Taehyung mumbled as he thought about the favour he had to return.

Jeongguk looked down at Taehyung's delicate hands that slid down to his pants.

"Baby boy." Jeongguk sternly spoke as Taehyung got lower and lower. He let out a sigh once Taehyung was fully under his underwear.

"What?" Taehyung innocently spoke jerking his hand back and forth. Jeongguk moaned throwing his head back, making eye contact with Taehyung who was looking down at him.

"Am I doing well?" Taehyung asked his voice low and quiet, he sped up and Jeongguk moaned closing his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows.

"That's it sugar, just like that," Jeongguk gulped as his mouth ran dry, Taehyung smiled running his thumb over the tip by mistake which made Jeongguk groan.

"Huh? Should I stop-"

"N-no! Keep going, you're doing well petal," Jeongguk moaned feeling himself get closer every time Taehyung went faster.

"Fuck!" Jeongguk grunted cumming on Taehyung's hand, the boy pulled his hand out and looked at the substance on his hand amused.

"Can I lick it?" Taehyung looked at and Jeongguk panted for air looking at Taehyung confused. "Is it edible?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk closed his eyes wiping the sweat of his forehead.

"Well yeah-" Before Jeongguk could finished Taehyung brought his hand to his mouth and stuck his tongue out. "tae- no! Stop you wouldn't want to-" Jeongguk gave up when Taehyung had already licked everything off.

"Woah that tasted-"

"Go easy your hands," Jeongguk rubbed his forehead holding back laughter.

"Bye bye!" Taehyung grinned running out the room to wash his hands and then go to class.

Taehyung walked to his college quickly whilst calling his friend to meet up. He saw the familiar black haired boy and ran up to him.

"Taehyungie!" He cheered pulling Taehyung into a hug.

"Jiminie!" Taehyung giggled squeezing Jimin tightly before pulling away and walking together towards school.

"How's it going with Jeongguk?" Jimin asked stopping buy a candy shop and buying some sweets for both of them.

innocent; kv ✓Where stories live. Discover now