Chapter 2

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Sam's POV

I wake up to the feeling of someone pressing their lips against mine. It's a feeling I know all too well, a feeling of someone who I love just as much as he loves me.

"Wake up, Sam," Colby says, smiling. He reaches out his hand and touches my face, the cold sensation from his rings on my cheek waking me up even more.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"It's past seven o'clock," Colby says. "The guys are going to be watching a movie in just a few minutes, and we're going to watch with them."

I sit up and meet Colby's beautiful blue eyes. They look even more beautiful than mine do. "Oh, yeah. We're watching The Conjuring tonight." I realize that Jake and Corey are in the living room, too. Aaron is asleep on the opposite side of the couch.

"Who wants to be the one to wake Aaron up?" I ask.

Colby chuckles, kissing me once more. Corey steps forward and smiles proudly. "I'll wake him up."

He shakes Aaron awake, and Aaron yawns. "Is it time for the movie yet?"

"Yeah," Jake says, holding Shrek in his hands.

A few minutes later, Colby and I relax on the couch as our roommates gather around the living room, sitting in different spots. Aaron is laying down on his usual spot on the couch. Corey is sitting down on the floor near Aaron. Jake is sitting next to Colby, and I'm laying down on the couch, my head resting on Colby's lap. He plays with my hair and looks down at me.

Elton, the guy who's like our uncle, comes into the living room and starts setting up the TV. "Okay, guys. After a long hard day of filming, we're going to enjoy ourselves by watching one of the scariest movies of all time."

Colby looks around the room. "Hey, guys. Before we start watching the movie, I just want to say thanks for having my back the last few months. It means the world to me."

"We'd do anything for you, Colby," Aaron says.

"Yeah," Jake agrees. "We're not going to stop being friends with you because of a mental breakdown. You've been through a lot, but you got help, and you're better now."

"I know," Colby says. "I'm surprised my last video on my solo channel did so well. I wasn't expecting to get so much positive comments from people. I thought they were going to judge me for self-harming, almost committing suicide, and getting put in a mental hospital."

Elton looks back at Colby. "The fans love you, Colby. They would never turn their backs on you like that. Plus, you and Sam have done a lot to help people with mental illnesses. Those same people who you supported are going to support you as well, and they completely understand why you guys took a break for a few months."

Colby looks down at me and holds me in his arms. "I'm just glad I had Sam in the video with me."

Corey looks at us. "Colby, how are your arms?"

Colby hesitantly pulls up the sleeves of his hoodie. "They're healing. You can't really see the ones on my arms that much, but the scars on my wrists from my suicide attempt are still somewhat visible."

Corey looks at the scars on Colby's perfect skin. It's clear how awful Colby feels about everything that had happened, even though it wasn't his fault.

"They're getting better," Corey says. "Just remember that we're all here if you need anything."

Jake, Aaron, Elton, and I all nods in agreement. Colby pulls down the sleeves of his hoodie and smiles and laughs. "Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I take Colby's hand and run my fingers along the metal material of his rings. Then he leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back, and the sound of the TV fills the room. I turn my head to face the screen, and we all begin watching the Conjuring together.

A half hour into the movie, Elton pauses it so Corey can go to the bathroom. I look up at Colby. "Have you been eating?" I ask quietly.

Colby nods. "Yeah. I'm better than I used to be." He sounds tired, and I can hear the sadness in his voice. "I'm still getting used to everything around me, but I'm trying."

I look into Colby's eyes. "That's all that matters."

Corey comes back into the living room and sits down on the floor again. "I'm back," he says in a funny, deep voice, causing all of us to laugh.

Jake glances at his phone, which he's been using while Corey was in the bathroom just a moment ago. "Hey, guys. Just so you know, Solby is real."

Everyone bursts out laughing. "Of course it's real," Colby says. "Sam and I are proving that to you guys every day."

Jake shows Colby his phone screen. "Remember that night when you guys spent the night in an amusement park for the TFIL channel?"

Colby looks at the screen and smiles. "Yeah. I remember that night. I was so worried when Sam fell while skateboarding on the ramp." He looks down at me and kisses my lips.

"You're the best skateboarder out of all of us," I say, causing Colby to laugh.

"That's true," Corey chimes in.

Colby plays with my hair while Elton resumes the movie, and I keep my eyes on the screen as Colby holds me close to him.

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