Chapter 18

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Sam's POV

An hour later, I'm sitting in the passenger seat of Colby's car while he drives and Corey and Jake sit in the backseat. I have the camera in my hands, and I'm filming as we make our way to the witches forest. Colby looks tired as he keeps his eyes on the road. Jake looks like he's about to fall asleep, and Corey looks the most awake out of all of us. Aaron is riding with Elton in Elton's car, and they're a few minutes behind us.

"How far is this place?" I ask.

"It said on my maps that it was like an hour and a half," Colby says.

"I can't believe we're actually going back there for a second time," Jake says.

"I can because it's Sam and Colby, and they always bring us along for these kinds of things," Corey says.

Colby laughs, and I'm happy to see him in a good mood. "You're part of the squad. You would've came with us regardless," I say.

"That's not the point, Sam," Corey says with a smile on his face.

Colby laughs again. "Yeah. That's not the point, Sam."

Corey looks at Colby through the rear view mirror. "Seriously, Colby?"

Colby's smile is so contagious. I can tell that it's genuine because I know when he's actually happy and when he's putting on an act to please people.

A few minutes later, my phone starts ringing. I see Aaron's name on the FaceTime caller ID and answer it instantly.

Aaron's face pops up on the screen. "Hey, guys."

"How are you and Elton doing?" I ask.

"We're right behind you guys," he says. "Elton's a good driver, but not as good as Colby."

Colby laughs yet again. I love his laugh. It's just as contagious as his smile.

"Colby really is the best drive out of all of us," I say. "And I think we can all agree that I'm the worst driver ever."

"Dude, if Sam drives, everybody will die," Jake chimes in.

Everyone laughs, but then a sad expression comes over Colby's face, and I wonder if the topic of driving reminds him of the accident.

"How are you doing, Colby?" Elton asks.

"I'm okay," Colby says, keeping his eyes on the road. "I'm just tired."

There's a pause as I keep the camera on Colby. "We're always here if you need anything," Aaron says encouragingly.

"Yeah. We won't leave you, Colby," Elton says.

"Fuck," Colby says, smiling. "You guys are going to make me cry."

We stop at a red light, and Colby wipes his eyes.

"We love you, Colby," Corey says.

"We love you, Colby," Jake repeats.

Colby laughs once more and looks at the camera. His eyes are so beautiful, I think to myself. "The fans love you, too, Colby," I say. Colby smiles the most beautiful smile ever.

"I love them, too," he says. "By the way, thank you guys for supporting me. I was so shocked to see how much you guys care about me. It means the world to me that you were all there for me." Colby turns his attention to us. "And I'm so happy you guys have been there for me, too. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

"Awwww," we all say at the exact same time.

"Colby," I say.

Colby looks at the camera, and I feel like I'm on cloud nine.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," Colby says.

The light turns green and off we go.

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