Chapter 35

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Colby's POV

One Year Later

Sam and I lay down on the couch in our new house, far away from everyone and everything we knew. Occasionally, Jake and Aaron come out to see us and make sure we're doing okay. Tara knows about everything, too, mainly because she kept asking questions, and Jake couldn't lie to her about what was going on.

No one except for Jake, Tara, and Aaron know where we are. And as Sam and I watch the latest news broadcast on our disappearances last year, we both feel relieved.

A brunette, female news anchor appears on the screen. "It has been a year since social media stars, Sam and Colby, have mysteriously disappeared. So far, the only clue as to what may have happened is a video camera that caught their supposed last moments."

The clip of Sam running through the woods at witches forest begins to play out on the screen. "Colby!" Sam yells. "Colby! Oh, shit." The camera stumbles, and the footages cuts off.

"The video camera was reportedly laying on the grass. Sam and Colby, however, were nowhere to be found," the anchor continues. A photo of us appears on the screen, back when we were at the Teen Choice Awards of 2019. "Fans are divided on this issue. Some believe Sam and Colby are dead, and others believe they ran away together. What really happened still remains a mystery."

Sam gets up off the couch and walks over to the kitchen. I get up, too, but I only walk a few steps, stopping just a few feet away from the kitchen. "Sam," I say. "I have to tell you something."

Sam looks worried for a split second. "Tell me what?"

I put my hands out, letting him know I didn't mean to scare him. "It's nothing bad, I swear. It's just something I've been wanting to tell you for a while."

I sit down on the chair that's diagonally across the couch. I stare at my feet, not knowing what to say. Then I realize what I need to say. "I just wanted to thank you for always being there when I needed you."

I can feel a lump rising in my throat. I keep looking down, not wanting Sam to see me like this. But then I look up at him, and my eyes start to fill with tears. "I feel like crying right now."

I pause, trying to hold back the tears. "You've been by my side since we were fourteen. And with everything that's happened the past couple of years, you had to put in so much work to help me get to a better place."

Sam comes to me and looks down at me. "I'll always be there for you, Colby."

A tear runs down my cheek. "I know, and I'm so grateful. I'll never ever forget everything you've done for me, and someday, I'll be able to pay you back."

Sam looks at me in a way that lets me know what he's thinking. "You already have."

He takes my hand and helps me stand up. Then he puts his hand on my cheek, wiping away more tears. "You being okay is more than enough to pay me back."

"I love you, Colby," Sam says.

"I love you, too, Sam," I say.

We kiss for only a few seconds. Then we pull each other into a hug. With everything that's happened, one thing is certain: The night we ran away together was the best decision we ever made.

And it was truly the best night of our lives.

Hey, guys. That's the end of the story. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I do have two other stories about Ali and Chloe, for those of you who are interested. Go check them out. Also, congratulations to Colby for being cancer free. Have an amazing day or night, wherever you guys are at. Thank you so much for reading. Bye!

Link to Sam and Colby's video about cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

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