Chapter 33

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Colby's POV

Sam and I run until we get to the black car that's parked on the opposite side of the woods. I jump into the driver's seat, and Sam hops into the passenger seat. Before I can start the car, Jake comes up to the driver's side window.

"Don't worry about Elton or Corey. Aaron is keeping them busy. Just focus on getting out of here," Jake says.

I nod. "Yeah. Sam and I already know what we need to do. Thanks for helping us, dude."

"Anything for Sam and Colby," Jake says.

We give each other a bro handshake, then he does the same for Sam. And then Sam and I take off into the night.

Twenty minutes later, Sam and I are on the road. It's pitch black outside. So I can't see anything except for the road that's being illuminated by the headlights. Feeling tired, I do my best to focus on the road.

"Colby?" Sam asks.

I keep my eyes on the road. "Hmm?"

"Are you okay? You look tired."

I chuckle. "I am tired. I just can't wait for us to lay down in bed together."

Sam watches me carefully, wondering what to say next. "I'm glad we got out of that house."

"Me too," I say, continuing to drive straight. "Being in that house with Elton took a toll on me. He made us do things we didn't want to do."

"And that's why the attack happened," Sam says.

I look at him for a second, then go back to looking at the road. The attack was a prank that Elton had done shortly after the accident had happened. One night while we were all exploring an abandoned school, Elton thought it would be funny to pull a prank. Jake, Aaron, and I were exploring the first floor while Sam, Corey, and Elton had gone upstairs to the second floor.

That's when I heard Sam call my name.

I ran upstairs faster than I think I've ever run before, calling Sam's name as I went to the room where they were at. When I got to the room, Elton and Corey were laughing. Sam was laughing, too, until he saw the look on my face.

Elton said it was a prank, and he thought it would be funny to do it during our exploration vlog. It doesn't seem like a big deal to anyone, but Sam knew how much it had scared me.

I thought something happened to my best friend, and that scared me the most.

I was pissed at Elton for what he did, but later that night, I broke down in tears as I sat on the edge of Sam's bed. When he hugged me, he told me we didn't have to stay there. We could leave, if you want, he'd said.

Then, during one of our visits with me at the mental hospital, Sam came up with the idea of us leaving for good and never looking back. He even mentioned how Jake and Aaron were going to help us because they saw what being in that house was doing to me and my mental health.

Plus, it scared Sam to see me like that. And I never want Sam to be afraid of me.

Now Sam looks at me as we drive down the dark road. "Colby, what are we going to do about the fans?" he asks.

"They'll think we're either missing or dead, just like everyone else will," I answer.

Sam looks uncertain, as though he doesn't believe me. I take Sam's hand and hold it in mine. "Trust me, Sam. This is the best thing for both of us."

Sam nods. "It is the best thing for both of us."

I let go of Sam's hand and grip the steering wheel with both hands. As much as I love the fans and how much they love Sam and me, I know I have to put our relationship first. Sam has been my best friend for years, and as much as I don't want to lose what we've achieved with the fame, I know for a fact that I can't lose Sam.

If I lose him, I don't know what I'll do.

Sam leans back in the seat and closes his eyes. After a few minutes, I can tell that he's fallen asleep. I wish I could fall asleep, I think to myself. But as tired as I am, I continue to drive straight and look at the road. And as long as Sam is here with me, that's all I care about.

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