Chapter 30

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Sam's POV

Several hours later, we arrive back to the forest. We'd already set up the tent, which is a six-person ten, and everything else as well. Now all we have to do is take the supplies and food we just bought back to the tent.

I turn the camera back on and point it at Colby. "Okay. So we just went into town to get some food and supplies, and we just got back to the campsite." I point the camera in front of us. The headlights from the car shine on the grass, lighting up the path. "As you guys can tell, it's nighttime now."

Suddenly, my phone rings. I look down and see that it's Elton calling. Then I pick up the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hey, Sam. We're not too far behind you guys," Elton says into the receiver.

"Where are you guys exactly?" Colby asks.

Aaron says something I can't hear. Then Elton speaks into the receiver. "We just entered the forest a few seconds ago."

"Do you remember where the campsite is?" I ask.

"Yeah. We'll be there in a minute," Elton replies. He pauses, then speaks again. "So, Sam. I have a question for you."

"What?" I say. I have a strong feeling it's going to be something Solby related.

"Who's a better kisser, Kat or Colby?"

Colby starts laughing, and Jake and Corey let out oohing sounds from the backseat. For a moment, Colby tugs on something under his hoodie: his silver cross necklace I got for him on his birthday. He's been holding it off and on throughout the last few hours, clearly feeling nervous and anxious about our return to the witches forest.

Then, as I look into Colby's eyes, which are sparkling because of his genuine smile, a memory comes into my head. One I hadn't thought about until just now.

It was the night after Colby had accidentally knocked me over and locked himself in his room. I was up late doing some editing for a video on my solo channel when I realized I was hungry. I looked at the clock on my laptop and saw it was 2:30 AM. All the other roommates were asleep.

I got off my bed and walked out into the hallway, making my way downstairs to the kitchen. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the patio door was open slightly. That's weird, I thought.

Feeing curious, I went over to the sliding glass door and stepped outside into the backyard. Colby leaned against the wall, dressed in all black and a beanie on top of his head. He pulled on the sleeves of his hoodie, shivering from the cold. A light and chilly breeze blew through the air.

"Hey, Sam," Colby said, looking over at me for a split second, then turning to look at the pool. He had a vape in his hand, which he then took a puff of.

"I thought everyone was asleep," I said.

"I was asleep, but then I woke up about an hour ago and couldn't go back to sleep. So I came out here."

Colby continued to look at the pool, then he looked up at the sky. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" he said.

"The sky?" I asked, looking up at the cloudy nighttime sky.

Colby chuckled. "Yeah. That's why I come out here. I love the view of everything. And it's so quiet and peaceful."

"Yeah, when we're not having parties and getting the cops called on us," I said, attempting to make a joke.

Colby laughed, which made my heart flutter. For as long as I could remember, I've always had feelings for Colby. But I never knew if he felt the same way. Even though I was with Kat, I wanted to be with him. But if I confessed my feelings for him, what if he didn't feel the same way?

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