Chapter 16

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Sam's POV

Colby and I are laying in bed together. The TV is the only source of light in my room, but we're not even watching the movie we had put on an hour ago.

Colby turns his head and looks at me desperately. "Sam, why does everyone think there's something wrong with me?"

"You've been acting off the past few days," I say bluntly. "The guys are just worried about you. Plus, what happened tonight made them worry even more."

"I know," Colby says. "I just had a panic attack. I'm not going to self-harm or starve myself. I've just been feeling sad lately."

I turn on my side to face Colby, and he does the same thing. "Why are you so sad?"

Colby reaches out and plays with my hair. "I'm afraid of losing you. I almost lost you twice last year, and then I pushed you away and almost took my own life. After that, we started dating, but I had to go to a mental hospital to get help for my mental illnesses. When I came home, I was afraid of what people were going to say about me. That's why I had you be in the video with me when I decided to give the fans an explanation of what had happened and why I'd been gone for a few months."

"I'm not going anywhere, Colby," I say. "You don't have to worry about losing me because I'll never leave you. I was there for you during everything, even when you pushed me away. I never gave up on you, and I never will."

Colby's eyes fill with tears. They fall down his face, and I wipe them away. Seeing the look on his face right now reminds me of a specific moment when our relationship changed for the better.

I left my room to go downstairs to the kitchen and get something to eat when I passed by Colby's room in the hallway. His door was open, but I wanted to knock anyway. As soon as I did that, I saw him laying down on his bed, pretending to be asleep.

"Colby," I said.

He didn't answer, but I could tell by looking at him that he was awake.

"Colby," I repeated.

Colby opened his eyes and sat up in bed. "What is it, Sam?" he asked.

"I wanted to see how you were doing," I said. I sat down on the bed with Colby and positioned myself so that I was completely on the bed, just like Colby.

"I don't want to go to a mental hospital," Colby said sadly.

"I know, but you need help," I said.

Colby nodded. "Yeah, I need help. I'm just scared that something is going to happen to me."

I took Colby's hand and looked at him. "You'll still be in L.A. The hospital is only a half hour away. So if we need to come get you for whatever reason, we will."

Colby nodded again. "Okay." He smiled at me. "I'm going to miss you and the guys."

"We'll miss you, too, Colby. But three months goes by fast. You'll be back home before you know it."

Colby's eyes filled with tears, and they ran down his cheeks. I pulled him into a hug and did my best to comfort him. "Don't cry, Colby."

Colby hugged me tight, not wanting to let go. We stayed that way for almost a minute. Then, we let each other go. "Let's hope the food isn't too bad" I said.

Colby laughed and wiped the tears away from his face. "Thanks, Sam."

"You're welcome, Colby," I said.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain shoot up my back. Colby noticed and gave me a concerned look. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just back pain. It'll go away on its own. So I'm going to go lay down for a little bit."

I got off the bed, left Colby's room, and went straight to my room down the hall. Then I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep.

A couple of minutes later, I heard my door creak open. I opened my eyes and saw Colby standing in the doorway. He sat down on the bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, Sam," he said. "I'm sorry for how I acted the past several months."

"It's okay, Colby," I said.

It was quiet for a moment. Colby started playing with my hair. "Colby," I said.

"What is it, Sam?" he asked.

"Can you sing to me?" I asked.

Colby smiled. "Sure. I'll sing you a song I wrote. Just don't tell anyone about the song."

"I promise I won't tell anyone," I said.

Colby started singing, and I closed my eyes again, listening to the sound of his voice while resting my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead and continued to hold me close to him.

"I love you, Colby," I said.

"I love you, too, Sam," Colby said.

And with that, I fell asleep.

I look at Colby as he continues to cry. I hate seeing him like this, but then I realize that he's crying because he's happy. I just told him I never gave up on him, and I never will, which is probably all he ever wanted to hear me say. In addition to telling him I love him as well.

"Hashtag Solby," I say.

Colby laughs, and a genuine smile spreads across his face. We kiss passionately as he pulls me closer to him. When he pulls away, he looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

"I hate seeing you cry," I say.

"I know, but I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm happy," Colby says. "You telling me that you'll never give up on me means the world to me. It seems like everyone else is ready to give up on me, but not you."

"The guys aren't giving up on you. They're just concerned," I say, trying to convince Colby of what is the truth.

Colby sighs and starts playing with my hair again. "I know they're concerned, but sometimes it didn't feel like it. Maybe that's because I wasn't in my right mind, and all I wanted was to have someone by my side."

Colby smiles again, his eyes staring straight into mine. He's so sexy, I think to myself.

"I love you, Colby," I say.

"I love you, too, Sam," Colby says, kissing my forehead.

I snuggle up against him so my head is right under his chin and directly on his chest. And with that, we fall asleep.

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