Chapter 32

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Sam's POV

Minutes later, we all arrive at the two tent we'd pitched earlier today. It's so dark outside, and the only light we have are the lanterns and the flashlights. Corey and Jake slip into the tent. I turn and see that Elton and Aaron are a few feet away from us next to their tent. But Colby is gone.

I scan the trees, knowing what has already taken place. "Colby?" I call.

Elton and Aaron turn to look at me. The darkness surrounding the trees makes it hard to see anything. I listen for any sound: a twig snapping, footsteps, the sound of Colby's voice. Nothing.

"Colby!" I call.

"Sam, what's wrong?" Elton asks.

"Colby's gone," I say, trying to sound frantic. Corey and Jake emerge from the tent. "I'm going to go find him."

"You lost Colby again?" Corey says, his eyes going wide.

"Corey, chill out, dude," Jake says.

"I can't chill out. This is exactly what happened last time," Corey says.

I put my hand up to signal for Corey to stop freaking out. "This has nothing to do with last time. I'm sure Colby is around here somewhere."

I take a few steps forward and pretend to look for Colby. But I know exactly where he is.

"I'll help look for Colby," Jake says, walking over to me.

"Me too," Aaron says.

Elton and Corey start walking over to us, but I put my hand up again. "Elton, Corey, stay here and watch the tents."

Elton and Corey give us confused looks, but they stay by the tents anyway. They clearly don't have any idea as to what it really going on, which is good because it means that the plan is working. In a matter of minutes, Colby and I will be gone, away from all the toxic people who have made him depressed and suicidal and who have tried to drive us apart.

"Colby!" I call out, running further into the woods.

Jake follows close behind me, and Aaron is a few steps behind us. I run faster, carrying the camera with me. Jake and Aaron let me run ahead of them.

"Colby!" I call out again. "Oh, shit," I say, pretending to trip over something. I turn the camera off and place it on the ground. Then I wait for Jake to catch up to me.

Seconds later, Jake appears, carrying Shrek in his hand. "We have to hurry up and get to Colby."

"I know, but I wanted to let you catch up," I say.

Jake nods. "Come on. Colby's probably wondering what we're doing."

"You're right," I say. "Let's hurry up and get to him."

And so we start running.

We run down the path with nothing but the light from the lantern to guide us. Seconds seem like hours as we try and find our way to Colby. We'd been planning this for a long time, but now it was finally happening.

A minute later, a shadow moves across the trees. Then a guy in all black appears in front of us, his blue eyes staring back at me. "Sam," he says, holding out his arms.

"Colby," I say, running to him.

Our lips touch, and I'm instantly back in my room, the night Colby and I confessed our feelings for each other. The desperate look on Colby's face was the same as it is right now.

Colby pulls away and turns to run. "Come on, Sam. We have to get out of here."

But I don't move. I stand still next to Jake. Could this really be happening? Am I finally going to be with Colby without all of the fame and fake people in L.A. who pretend to be our friends because of who we are?

Colby turns to look at me. "Are you coming?"

I take his hand and look into his ocean blue eyes. "As long as I'm with you."

Colby smiles and squeezes my hand. Then we take off running through the woods, and we don't look back.

Hey, guys. I know I haven't updated this story in a long time. But I know it's time I finish it. Keep reading to find out how the story turns out.

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