Chapter 28

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Sam's POV

Colby squeezes my hand lovingly and glances at me at for a split second. I can see sadness in his eyes. So I pretend to have something on my nose, and I scrunch up my face. Colby turns his head and laughs.  My plan to make him feel better, even if it's for a moment, has worked.

The witch looks over at the pile of tarot cards that have been placed next to the sage on top of the table. Then she looks back at us. "Did anything else happen that might have contributed to the bad luck you guys have been having?"

Colby looks at me, as if to say, don't say anything. There's a pleading look on his face. I hate it when he does that because I can never say no to him.

"No. That's pretty much all that's happened in regards to our whole string of bad luck," I say convincingly.

Well, there was the attack, I think to myself. As much as I want to say it, Colby and I both agreed it wasn't something we should talk about ever again.

"Okay. Well, if you want, we can do a tarot card reading just like we did last time," the witch says, motioning toward the tarot cards.

"What's a tarot card reading?" Elton asked.

The witch begins to sage the cards. "Tarot cards are all about different representations of certain things in life. It's more about you relate to the card and how that's going to affect the outcome of things that you'll encounter on your journey."

A thump sounds from somewhere upstairs, and I turn to face it. Corey's eyes go wide. Colby places his other hand on top of mine. "Are you okay?"

I turn to look at him. "Yeah. Did you hear that noise?"

Colby laughs nervously. "Yeah."

"So I'm not crazy. There was a noise that came from upstairs," Corey says.

Suddenly, the sound of the witch's voice makes Colby and I break eye contact. "Can you shuffle the cards and pass them to him?" she asks, looking in Colby's direction.

One by one, we all shuffle the cards and pass them around the room to each other. When Aaron hands them back to the witch, she places three cards on top of the table. Then she goes still.

"Oh my God," she says.

"What?" I ask.

I realize I don't even need a response. The three cards that we're all seeing are the same exact cards we saw the last time we came here.

"How is that possible?" Jake asks, breaking the silence.

The witch stares at the card's knowingly. "It's possible to get the same cards in a tarot reading."

Corey points to the death card. "We got the death card again."

"The death card?" Elton and Aaron say at the same exact time.

"Not actual death," Colby explains. "It's more like the end of a chapter or an era and the start of a new beginning."

Elton and Aaron look at each other nervously. Corey's eyes go wide again. "I don't like where this is going."

"I hope it's not the ending of Solby," Jake chimes in.

"Awww," we all say.

Colby and I look at each other and smile. I want to kiss him, but I think we should wait until we get outside and away from the witch's house before we do that.

"Well, I think we all have a good idea of what to expect," I say. "We've all been feeling this weird sense of deja vu, and now we get the same exact tarot cards as before."

"Yeah, but what's the new chapter going to be?" Aaron asks.

We all look at each other. "I guess we're about to find out," I say.

We all get up from the table, say our goodbyes, and step back outside into the chilly air. As we make our way back to the car, I can't help but wonder why we got the same exact tarot card reading. I have a feeling what we're about to experience is going to be life changing. But I don't know what it is.

And that is the scariest thing of all.

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