Chapter 24

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Sam's POV

Colby goes back to staring out the window, the sad look returning to his eyes. He doesn't notice when our food arrives. But then, even when he does, he glances at it and turns back to the window as though it's not here.

"Colby," Corey says, attempting to get Colby's attention.

Colby continues to stare out the window. "Hmm?"

"The food is here," Corey says.

This doesn't work. So I decide to give it a try. "Colby."

Colby looks directly at me, his ocean blue eyes staring into mine. "What is it, Sam?"

"The food is here."

Colby looks down at the double cheese burgers, fries, and Coke laid out on the table for us. "I'm not hungry."

"Colby, you have to eat something," I say.

Jake takes a sip of his Coke. "Are you okay, Colby?"

Colby smiles and reaches for his burger. "Yeah. I'm just thinking about a lot of things."

I think I know what's bothering Colby, but I don't want to say it in front of Jake and Corey. I'm sure they can probably sense it, too.

Suddenly, as if on cue, Colby takes a bite out of the burger just as I get a text message from Elton. Is Colby eating anything?

I respond instantly. He's eating a double cheeseburger right now. At first, he didn't want to eat anything. But now he is.

We've all been watching Colby to see if he's engaging any unhealthy or self-destructive behaviors. So far, he hasn't self-harmed or done anything to further his eating disorder. But that could change in a split second.

Elton doesn't respond. I wonder what he and Aaron are doing right now. Aaron had texted me a few minutes ago and told me that he and Elton were at the Burger King down the street because they didn't want to get McDonald's. So we're supposed to meet up with them when we're all done here.

A few minutes later, I turn the camera back on and face it in Colby's direction. "Okay, guys. We stopped and got ourselves some food. And now we're going to be on our way to the witche's house from the last time we went to the haunted forest."

Colby looks at the camera tiredly. "I've been texting the Wiccan we spoke to the last time we were here."

"Oh yeah. Jennifer gave you her number," I say from behind the camera.

Colby nods. "Yeah. She wants us to go to her house, just like last time."

Corey looks slightly concerned, and Jake is unbothered, as usual. I move the camera back and forth between them and Colby. Then all of our phones go off at the same time.

It's a text message from Elton. We're waiting outside for you guys, it reads.

"Let's fucking go," Colby says excitedly.

Seconds later, we walk outside to find that Elton and Aaron are waiting by Elton's car. Elton is filming us while I film him and everyone else.

"Can we get a Solby moment on camera for the fans?" Elton asked.

Colby looks at me, a mischievous smile spreading across his face. Then he wraps his arms around me and kisses me.

"Solby moment," the guys say simultaneously.

We stop kissing, but Colby doesn't let go. "Colby, this is the part where you let me go."

Colby laughs. "I don't want to let you go yet."

"Awwww," the guys say.

When the moment is over, Colby finally lets me go. He's clingy, but I like it. It makes me feel special.

"Okay. We already have green stuff with us," I say. "We have the camping stuff in the trunk. Now all we have to do is go to a witch's house near a haunted forest where we probably might get haunted again."

"Let's not lose the key to the cabin this time," Corey chimes in.

I give him a look. Colby laughs again. Before we left, Jennifer had given us the new key that we'd paid for her to have after I'd lost the key during our first trip to the witches forest. I just hope I don't lose this one, too.

"Alright. Let's go get haunted," I say.

Hey, guys. I know it's taking a while to get to the part about them being in the witches forest. But they'll get there. Keep reading to find out what happens.

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