Chapter 11

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Elton's POV

As soon as the guys and I hear Colby tell Sam he wants to show him something, we back away from the railing and hide in Jake's room. The light is turned off, making it impossible for anyone to see us. Footsteps pound up the stairs, and a few seconds later, Colby walks down the hallway to his room. We hear him rummaging around in there, and then he emerges with a journal in his hands. The one he writes in all the time.

Colby walks down the hallway and heads back downstairs. The guys and I sneak out of Jake's room and back over to the railing. We watch as Colby stops for a few seconds and opens up the journal to a particular page.

"Their relationship is so complicated," Corey whispers.

"They've been best friends for years, and they've always had feelings for each other," Jake says quietly.

"But neither one of them felt like they could tell each other," I whisper back.

"That's probably why they have the problems they do," Aaron says quietly.

I've always known that Sam and Colby have had feelings for each other. When I first met them, I thought they were just really good friends. I already knew who they were because of Vine. As I got to know them more, I started noticing the way Colby looked at Sam. Then I noticed that Sam looked at Colby the same way. I picked up on the romantic feelings right away, and so did the other guys. We all knew what was going on. We just never said anything because it wasn't our place to do so.

Now, as we all stand by the railing, we watch as Colby walks into the living room. Sam is sitting on the couch, waiting for Colby. We look at each other and nod, signaling that it's time to move closer so we can get a better look at them.

We carefully and quietly make our way down the stairs halfway, peeking into the living room. None of us have any idea how the rest of the conversation is going to play out. But I have a feeling it's going to end on a positive note.

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