Chapter 29

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Colby's POV

As I'm driving down the same path in the woods we'd been to last year, I look around for a place to park. Sam has turned the camera back on and is updating the viewers on what's going on. "Okay. So we're driving through the forest, and it looks creepy, just like last time."

"Here's the same parking spot from last time," I say, starting to pull into the spot.

"Elton and Aaron are following behind us. So they should be here any minute," Sam says to the camera. "In the meantime, let's get on our green and set up this campsite."

I nod and glance at Sam, then back at the road. "Mmhmm," I say, wondering what's going to happen as everything progresses. I don't know why, but I'm feeling very nervous. I'm doing my best to hide it, though. I don't want to ruin the trip for everyone. But I can tell by the way everyone is looking at me that they're watching me very carefully, as though they're afraid I might do something crazy.

Minutes later, we step out of the car, and Elton and Aaron greet us from down the path. "Don't forget to buy the new merch," Aaron chimes in.

I give the camera to Elton, and Sam and I show off the new hoodies as part of our merch collection. Sam is wearing his right now, and I'm wearing the same hoodie I wore the last time we came here.

I stare out at the clearing in the woods, taking in the scenery. Then, without any warning, memories start to come back. Ones from the last time we came here. Then the memory of the attack starts to make its way through my mind, but then I shut it out with another memory. One that is very painful, still to this day.

It had been two weeks since the attack. Sam had just been in the car accident a month ago, and now this happened. But that wasn't the only thing that was upsetting me. After Sam had woken up in the hospital, he didn't remember the kiss at all. He didn't remember me telling him I loved him or anything else. He acted as though nothing had happened. I wanted to ask him about it, but I didn't. I was too shocked and devastated.

It was one thing after another, and as much as I was in love with Sam, I was sure he didn't feel the same way about me. I was mad at him, but more that anything else, I was mad at myself.

On this particular night, I wasn't in a good mood. I'd gone for a late night drive to clear my head. Then, when I came come, Sam was there to greet me in the living room.

"Colby, where have you been?" Sam asked.

"I went for a late night drive to clear my head," I said, not bothering to look up at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I stopped dead in my tracks. "I'm fine."

Sam shook his head. "No, you're not."

"Sam, just drop it," I said, getting irritated.

"No, I'm not going to just drop it," Sam said, getting angry at me. "What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

"Forget it, Sam. I'm going to bed," I said, turning to walk away.

"Colby..." Sam started.

"Just leave it!" I snapped, not wanting to be in the room anymore. Just talking to Sam made me mad. The boy I loved was right there in front of me, and I couldn't have him. But he's all I ever wanted. I just wanted to have him, but I couldn't have him. And it killed me. It made me want to die. It reminded me that I was alone.

I ran upstairs to my room. I could hear Sam running after me. "Colby, wait. Tell me what's wrong."

I was about to go into my room when Sam grabbed my wrist. I squealed in pain because the spot on my wrist he'd just touched was where my most recent self-harm scars were. Without thinking, I pushed Sam off me. Then he fell backward, hitting his head hard on the wall and almost falling to the floor. He grabbed onto the wall and steadied himself while I just stood there. I held my wrist, which was in pain. For a second, I couldn't move.

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