Chapter 13

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Aaron's POV

Elton and I are sitting in his room, discussing some last minute things before we go to bed. We already talked to the other guys about our plans for tomorrow and how we're going to go about filming the video. Sam and Colby have already filmed the first two parts of the movie. So now, all we have to do is go to the witches forest and film our entire trip to and from there.

Sam and Colby had already called all of us out for spying on them, but they weren't mad. At least, Sam wasn't mad. I'm not exactly sure what's going on with Colby, but I have a strong feeling that something is off with him. Elton has the same feeling, too, which is why we're having this conversation right now.

"Something's wrong with Colby," Elton says in a hushed voice.

The door is closed, but we don't want to risk anyone hearing us, especially Colby.

"Yeah," I agree. "Ever since that day he came into the living room and started watching TV with us, he's been off."

"He's been very sad lately, and he keeps going out for late night drives because of his nightmares. I wasn't that concerned until tonight when we found him the first time. The look on his face when we all ran over to him and hugged him made me worry that there's something going on with him."

I nod. "Yeah, and then when he overheard us talking about him and took off again, I knew something was up. Colby only does that when he feels scared we're going to do something to him."

Elton looks at the door and then back at me. "The last time he acted like that was when we told him he was going to be getting long term treatment at a psychiatric hospital. Maybe he thinks we're going to send him away again."

I nod again. "That and he pushed Sam away, which is something he hasn't done in a long time."

When we were all talking earlier, Colby had explained to us that he didn't want anyone to touch him. But because Sam was the only person who stepped forward to touch him, Colby told him not to. We all understood why, but it would've been different if he'd said it to one of us and not Sam. Colby has pushed Sam away several times before, and that's what separated them. Based on the conversation he and Sam were having a little bit ago, it sounds like he feels guilty for everything he did. And he wants to make it right with all of us, especially Sam.

"Don't worry about Colby," Elton says reassuringly. "I'll keep a close eye on him. Plus, we'll all be there with him. So if anything goes wrong, we'll handle it."

"Okay. That's a good plan," I say.

As much as I want to believe Elton, I think the best way to handle this situation is to be smart about everything that we do in regards to Colby and his mental health. Corey and I already have a plan and if something happens, we're going to implement it and use it for Colby's best interest.

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