Chapter 6

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Sam's POV

The guys and I all step out of car and begin our search for Colby. But within a few seconds, I see his car. And then, I see him.

"Colby," I say.

He turns around with a pained expression on his face. I run over to him and pull him into a hug. He shakes with sobs as the guys run over to us.

"Colby, are you okay, bro?" Corey asks.

"What's wrong, dude?" Jake asks.

Colby doesn't say anything. He just holds me tight, as though he doesn't want to let me go.

"It's okay, Colby," Aaron says.

"We're here now," Elton says.

We're all joined together in a group hug. One of the things that we have going for us is that we always stick together, no matter what happens. And tonight is no exception.

Ten minutes later, we step inside the house, and Colby clings to me for dear life. We make it to the couch, and Colby sits down. Corey and Aaron sit down on the opposite side, looking at Colby with concerned looks on their faces.

I turn around to go to the kitchen when Colby reaches out and pulls me back to him. "Sammy," he says tearfully.

I sit on his lap and kiss him gently. "It's okay, Colbs. We're back home now."

Colby looks at me, his ocean blue eyes glistening with tears. "I feel crazy."

Jake and Elton sit down on the other side of us. Elton puts his hand on Colby's shoulder. "What happened out there?" he asks. "And why did you leave in the middle of the night?"

Colby wipes the tears from his eyes. "I had another nightmare. I was running through the woods when I heard Sam calling for me to come help him. I called his name as I ran, but when I got to him, he was dead. Before I knew it, I fell to my knees and held him tight. That's when I woke up and realized it was all a bad dream."

Another tear falls down his face, and I wipe it away. Colby didn't used to be like this. He has always been very stoic and strong, and he never cried in front of anyone. But after we went to the witches forest last year, we had the worst string of bad luck. First I got into a car accident. Then his depression got to the point where he tried to commit suicide, and he ended up in a psychiatric hospital for long term treatment.

He's better now, but he still has moments when he needs help with his problems.

"I had to get out of the house for a little while," Colby continues. "So I went for a drive, but I stopped because I had a flashback of the night Sam and I first kissed in the hospital. After that, all these memories came back to me, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was about to lose my shit, but I managed to calm myself down before you guys showed up."

He looks around the room at us, a smile spreading across his face. "Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me."

"We love you, Colby," Corey says.

"You're important to us, man," Aaron says.

Colby looks at me again, his infectious smile looking better than it has ever been. "I love you, Sam."

"I love you, too, Colby," I say.

"I love you guys," Colby says.

"We love you, Colby," we all say at the same exact time.

Jake pulls out Shrek and shows it to Colby. Colby laughs as he starts to her play with my hair. I notice the shiny glint on his rings, and I play with his hair, too.

"Nice rings," I say.

Colby laughs again. There is he is, I think to myself. There's the guy I fell in love with. Colby Brock. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

"I'm so tired," Colby says. "I could fall asleep right now."

"It's a good thing Elton drove your car back to the house," Corey says. "You weren't in any condition to drive home."

Colby nods. "I know. That's my fault. I take blame for that. I shouldn't have done that. I'm just glad you guys are here with me." He looks at me once more. "I'm even more glad that I have you with me."

"Hashtag Solby," Jake says.

Colby and I both laugh. "Hashtag Solby is real," Corey says. This time, the entire group erupts into laughter. Our relationship is something that we did keep a secret from public for a couple of months, but the fans always knew how much we love each other.

Colby looks at all of us. "I'm sorry I scared you guys. I just needed to get out of the house for a little while. So I went for a drive."

"You've been doing that a lot," I say. "I knew something was wrong when I woke up and saw that you weren't in bed. When I went outside, I saw that your car was gone. That's when I knew we all had to look for you."

Colby puts his hand on my face, his rings cold to the touch. "Thanks, Sam." He glances at everyone else. "Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

We kiss again, and for a moment, everything seems normal. Too bad it can't always be this way.

Hey, guys. I'm going to be posting more chapters sooner rather than later. So be ready for what happens next.

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