Chapter 17

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Colby's POV

The next morning, I'm almost done getting ready when I get a text from Jake. Turn that shit up, it says. I laugh out loud and turn up the All-American Rejects song entitled "It Ends Tonight" so Jake can hear it from downstairs. He loves it when I play my music because he dances to it wherever he's at. My music can be heard everywhere throughout the house. Sam has even told me how he can't film videos or Snapchat stories or be on the phone because of how loud it is.

I start to fix my hair in the mirror when I notice that l look happier than usual. I'm not pretending to be happy. I'm genuinely happy. It's mostly likely because of the conversation Sam and I had last night before we went to sleep. What he said to me made me realize how lucky I am to have the best people in my life. I still have to show them I'm not mentally unstable.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror, and then I head out into the hallway and downstairs to the kitchen so I can eat breakfast. Elton already made eggs and pancakes for everyone, and since I'm the first person to come downstairs, I get to have the first servings of everything.

I sit down at the kitchen island and glance at the plate of food and the glass of orange juice. Then I take out my phone and start scrolling through Instagram.

The sound of footsteps causes me to look up, and I see Sam walking past me to go to the fridge. He looks at me lovingly. "Hey, babe," he says.

"Hey, babe," I say, pulling him close to me and kissing him lightly.

He opens the fridge and stands there for a few seconds before closing the door and looking back at me. I smile and hold out my arms, wanting him to come to me again.

"Come here," I say.

Sam comes over to me, and I lock my arms around him. "Can I sit on your lap?" he asks.

I laugh and smile again. "Yes. Of course."

Sam sits on my lap, and I hold him there. We kiss again, and this time, it lasts longer than the first one.

"Solby moment," says a voice.

Sam and I look up and see that Jake is coming into the kitchen while Corey trails behind him. A few seconds later, Aaron walks in and now, all of us are in the kitchen together.

"You guys are in a good mood," Corey says.

"Colby and I were talking last night, and we realized some things about our relationship that have changed our outlooks on everything," Sam says.

He looks at me in a way that makes me laugh again. I hold him tight, not wanting to let him go.

Everyone sits down to eat breakfast, and we go through our usual routine of deciding when to start filming as well as discussing our trip and making sure we have everything we need.

Sam leaves the kitchen to go grab his phone from upstairs, and I get the idea to scare him. I look at the guys and smile mischievously. "Hey, guys. I'm going to scare Sam."

They look at me with the same mischievous smiles. I run to go hide behind the wall that's by the stairs, but as I'm leaving the kitchen, I slide on the floor and fall down.

"Oh my God. Are you okay, Colby?" Aaron asks laughingly.

Everyone else is laughing, too, and so am I. I roll around on the floor until I sit up, get on my knees, and try to stop laughing.

Sam comes back downstairs and looks at me funny. "Colby? Why are you on the floor?"

I look up at him and continue to laugh. "Sam, I just ate shit so hard." I get to my feet and glance at the other guys, then at Sam again. "I wanted to scare you, but as I was running to go hide behind the wall, I slid and fell to the floor."

"Too bad we didn't get it on camera," Jake says.

I laugh even more. "That would've been epic, dude."

Everyone notices that I'm in a much better mood than I have been these past few days. The day is off to a good start. Hopefully, it stays this way, and we get a lot of footage for our video on the series of the return to the witches forest.

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