Chapter 31

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Hey, guys. Trigger warning for suicide and eating disorders. If you or anyone you know is struggling with anything related to mental illness, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, etc, please do not hesitate to get help. There's hope for you.

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

If anyone wants to talk, this is a safe space. If not, that's fine, too. But please reach out for help if you need it.

Colby's POV

Sam looks at me in a way that I've always wanted. I'm the person he loves the most and wants to be with. Not Kat. And that makes me feel like I'm good enough for him.

He takes my hand, and I squeeze it, letting him know I appreciate everything he's done for me. Plus, he just told me I'm a better kisser than Kat.

"Okay. We'll see you guys when you get here," Sam says into the receiver.

"Okay. Bye, love birds," Elton says.

I laugh, and Sam blushes, which makes me blush. Sam has told me several times how much he loves my laugh and my smile. Every time I laugh, Sam has the cutest look on his face. And if there's anyone who makes me laugh the most, it's him.

"Bye," Sam and I both say. He hangs up the phone. Then points the camera in front of us. "So because it's night out, I'm pretty sure it's going to be dark and once we turn the lights from the car off."

I turn the car off as we as the lights. Then Corey gasps. "Turn the lights back on, brother."

"We're leaving, brother," I say.

We waste no time getting out of the car and making our way back to the trunk. Sam and I glance at each other knowingly. If all goes well, we're going to be somewhere far away from here. Far away from LA, other influencers, social media, and everything that no longer meant anything to us.

Sam and I have been planning this for months. We just had to figure out the right time to do it. And now, that time has finally come.

Seconds later, Elton and Aaron pull up and step out of the car. We rummage through our trunk, getting the sleeping bags and backpacks while Sam holds a lantern in his hand. When Elton and Aaron approach us with their sleeping bags and backpacks in their hands, we begin to make our way through the woods to the campsite.

As we walk, I remember something very vividly. It's not just a memory, but an otherworldly experience. Something that definitely confirmed that there is an afterlife.

And it is the reason why Sam and I are going to leave everyone and everything behind tonight and never look back.

The day it all happened, I knew I was going to end it all. I woke up that morning with one thing in mind: I was going to take my own life. I waited until it was sometime in the late afternoon because none of the roommates were going to notice since they were busy doing their own stuff for their channels.

I was in my room, which wasn't out of the norm, because I'd made a habit out of staying in my room and not coming out for anything unless it was to get water or use the bathroom. The only time I ate anything was either when I was out of the room or Sam left food outside my door. But I rarely ate anything.

I went into the bathroom and turned on the water in the bathtub. As I let the water run, I found the razor blade I'd been using to cut myself and pulled up the sleeves of my hoodie.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I stared at myself in the mirror. This is it, I thought.

Still in my clothes, I got into the tub. I held the razor blade to my wrist, then Sam came into my mind. I couldn't stand the thought of him being with someone else other than me. He was my best friend, but he'd never love me the way I loved him.

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