Chapter 23

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Colby's POV

The next few minutes go by in somewhat of a blur, and so many thoughts go through my mind all at once. I don't realize that I haven't said anything to anyone until we're inside the McDonald's, sitting at the table and waiting for our food to arrive. I stare out the window and try not to think of the thing that's been making me sad these last few days. But I can't help it.

"Colby," Sam says.

I turn to look at him. "Yeah?"

"Look what I found."

He hands me his phone, and I notice that an Instagram video is on the screen. One that I posted a few nights ago. I press the play button, and I can't help but smile. In the video, Sam and I are laying in his bed, and we're only shown from the chest and up. Sam looks like he's about to fall asleep as I kiss him on the forehead. I laugh as Sam closes his eyes. And then, the video ends. The caption under the video reads, Love is love, with a heart emoji at the end of the sentence. And the comments are nothing but positive and supportive.

I look at Sam and smile. Then we kiss each other passionately. The kiss lasts for a few seconds, and then I laugh, which makes Sam laugh, too.

"I love you, Colby," Sam says.

"I love you, too, Sam," I say.

Hey, guys. Once again, I know the chapters are short. But this story is giving in depth looks into everyone's pov. So it's going to jump around somewhat, but you guys will still be able to follow along with everything that's happening in the story.

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