Chapter 12

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Colby's POV

I walk into the living room with my journal in my hands and sit down next to Sam on the couch. I already have it opened up to a specific page because I want Sam to know how I truly felt about something that happened, which affected our relationship and changed it for the better.

Sam looks at me, unsure of what's about to happen. "Is that your journal?"

I nod. "Yeah, it is. Do you remember what happened shortly after we became official and started to actually date each other?"

Sam knows exactly what I'm referring to and nods reluctantly. "I remember. I was having really bad back pain, which was a result of the accident, and you came into my room and sang to me to make me feel better."

I turn to look at the page in my journal, and I start reading out loud to Sam.

"I'm writing this entry with so much happiness because I finally have the guy I love. We became official yesterday, and I've been feeling better than I have been in a long time. Today was okay. I did some filming for the daily vlogs on my solo channel. Sam wasn't feeling the best, though. His back pain was worse than what it usually is, and even though the pain killers helped him, he still wasn't feeling the greatest.

"So I went into his room as he was about to go to sleep and sat down on his bed, taking him into my arms and holding him close to me. I apologized for how I'd been acting the past several months to which he told me it was okay. Then he asked me something that completely caught me off guard. He asked me to sing to him."

I look at Sam, and his facial expression indicates that he's back in that moment, just like I am.

"I never sing in front of anyone, even though I kind of can sing. It's just not something I do for anyone. But I decided to make an exception for Sam. So I sang him a song I'd written called 'Skin.' It's a song I wrote shortly after I came home from the hospital. I'm going to be leaving in a few days to go to a long term treatment psychiatric hospital so I can get help for my depression, anxiety, and anorexia/bulimia. I'm scared to go, but I also want help. So I'm going to do it anyway.

"As soon as I started singing, Sam looked at me so lovingly. I couldn't believe I finally had him as my boyfriend. For a long time, I thought I couldn't have him, but now I do. He just looked at me as I sang, and when I was done, I kissed him on the forehead, and he fell asleep. We haven't had a moment like this in a long time. A moment where we weren't being torn apart by my own behavior. It changed us for the better, and most importantly, it made me realize that Sam needs me as much as I need him. I love him, and he loves me. I always have, and I always will."

I close the journal and set it down on the couch. Then I look at Sam. He appears to be in deep thought about something.

"What is it, Sam?" I ask.

"The day before that happened, I had confessed my feelings for you," Sam says, looking straight ahead. "It felt good to finally get that off my chest, but most importantly, it made you happy."

He finally looks at me. "You hadn't been happy for months."

"I wasn't easy to be around," I say, feeling guilty for everything I did during that time period.

"I didn't care, Colby," Sam says bluntly. "You were in a lot of pain, and you didn't know how to deal with it in any other way. Plus, I had betrayed your trust and revealed your darkest secret to everyone. So it wasn't a surprise that you had acted the way you did."

I take Sam's hands in mine. "We have to go back to the witches forest. We didn't start experiencing all that bad luck until after we came back from being there."

Sam nods in agreement. "Yeah. We have to leave tomorrow. So we should get ready for bed."

I kiss Sam passionately, pulling him closer to me. We haven't been this stable in our relationship in a while. It's been like a roller coaster with a lot of ups and downs, but I wouldn't change it for anything.

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