Chapter 14

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Corey's POV

As I lay in bed with the door to my room closed and my phone in my hand, I fill Devyn in on everything that's going on. I've already told her about what happened tonight, and now I need to explain how Colby's behavior has been affecting the dynamic of the house.

"There's something wrong with Colby, Devyn," I say in a quiet voice. "I don't know what it is, but something's not right."

"Colby has a lot of problems, but he's capable of working through them," Devyn says in an attempt to reassure me. "He did well at the hospital."

"Yeah, but that was only after we told him he couldn't come back to the house until after he got better. He was so upset when we told him that."

"Well, of course he was upset. He felt like you guys didn't care about him."

I glance at the door, hoping Colby isn't eavesdropping on my conversation with Devyn. "I don't know, Devyn. I think Colby is good at pretending to be better, but I don't know if that's actually the case. You should have seen him tonight. When we found him after he'd gone out for a late night drive yet again, he broke down in tears. He's been acting off for the past few days. The guys and I have all noticed it. And after we came back from finding Colby, we started talking about how we're going to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do anything to hurt himself. We put up the sharp objects in the house before we went looking for him, and we're watching to make sure he eats."

"Has he been eating?" Devyn asks.

I glance at the door again. "He was doing fine until a few days ago. He doesn't eat as much, which also adds to his weird behavior."

"Has he self-harmed at all?"

I shake my head, as though Devyn is here in the room with me. "Not that I know of. I saw his wrists yesterday, and the only scars I saw were the ones from his previous self-harming incidents as well as the ones from his suicide attempt."

"How is Sam doing?"

I sigh into the receiver. "Sam is doing his best to deal with Colby. I think Colby is feeling a lot of guilt for the way he treated Sam after the accident happened, and he doesn't know how to cope with it."

"Sam forgave him for everything," Devyn says.

"Yeah, but Colby still feels guilty about everything," I say. "And on top of that, he pushed Sam away again after he ran out of the house and we all ran after him. I don't think he realized what he did until afterward, but I think Sam is getting overwhelmed with him."

"Colby loves Sam. He would never hurt him."

"He has hurt him, though."

"But not intentionally."

There's a pause for a brief moment. Devyn is right about that. If Colby did intentionally hurt Sam, he wouldn't feel so guilty about it.

"Colby feels guilty because he knows he hurt Sam, and he realizes he shouldn't have done that. He's trying to make up for what he did."

"You're right," I say. "At least he's trying."

Devyn and I say our goodbyes, and with that, I turn off the light and go to sleep.

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