Chapter 7

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Colby's POV

A few minutes after our discussion in the living room, I go outside to grab my phone from inside the car. But when I'm about to walk into the living room, I hear the voices of Jake, Corey, Aaron, and Elton talking about me.

"Something's wrong with Colby," Elton says.

"Yeah, dude," Jake says. "This is the millionth time he's gone out for a drive, but this time is different."

"I've never seen him this upset," Sam says.

Wait. Sam?

"What if he tries to hurt himself again?" Sam asks, worry in his voice.

"Don't worry about that," Elton said. "Aaron and I already hid the sharp objects so Colby can't do anything to hurt himself."

"I still think he can find a way to hurt himself if he really wants to," Aaron says.

"Exactly. That's why we have to keep an eye on him," Elton says.

"We're supposed to go to the witches forest tomorrow," Sam says.

"We can still go," Jake chimes in. "We just can't leave Colby by himself."

"Plus, Aaron and I will be there this time. So you guys will have backup if Colby does something reckless," Elton says.

"I hope he doesn't have another mental breakdown," Sam says. "Everyone notices how sad he is. Even the fans notice it. They keep commenting on our recent videos, saying how Colby seems sad lately, and they hope he's okay. I just hope nothing happens with him."

I turn around and head back outside. I can't believe this is happening. I've been trying to hide the fact that something has been off with me lately, but they can tell I'm not acting like my usual self.

I take off running down the street, not caring that it's pitch black outside or that it's freezing cold. I still have my hoodie on, which is still going to keep me warm. I just don't understand why they can't say any of this to my face. Why do they hide things from me? And why is Sam afraid of me? I've never tried to hurt him. I love him.

But then again, maybe he doesn't see it that way.

Maybe he's better off without me.

Maybe everyone is better off without me.

Hey, guys. Some of the chapters in this story may be shorter than others. So just a heads up so you're all aware.

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