Chapter 15

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Jake's POV

I'm laying in bed, staring at my door, which is now closed, when I decide to call Tara. I haven't spoken to her all day, but now is the perfect opportunity to call her and talk to her about everything that's going on.

Tara picks up on the first ring. "Hello."

"Tara, I got something to tell you."

I briefly tell her about everything that happened tonight, and she's just as concerned as I am.

"Something's wrong with Colby," I say. "He's been acting off the past few days."

"Why? What's going on with him?" Tara asks.

"I have no idea," I answer. "But the same night the guys and I noticed something was off about him, he told us he wants to go back to the witches forest. Sam mentioned it was his idea to go back there. So I guess it could be because of that."

"It's possible," Tara says. "I know I've heard Sam and Colby say on many occasions that they've been having the worst string of bad luck since you guys came back from the witches forest. Maybe Colby thinks that by going back there and revising it, it's going to help him and Sam in some way."

I consider this for a moment. "Yeah. That makes sense. But I also wonder if it could have to do with something else. It may not even be related to the witches forest at all. It could be something that has to do with them specifically, but because all that stuff started happening after we came back from the witches forest, that's why they think it has to do with that."

"So you don't think it's anything related to the witches forest?"

"Not at all. I think it's just them, and for whatever reason, they don't want to acknowledge it."

"Keep an eye an Colby," Tara says cautiously.

"We all will," I say. "I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Okay. Just make sure Colby doesn't do anything reckless."

"We won't."

Tara and I say our goodbyes, and I go to sleep thinking about how tomorrow is going to be.

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