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Prologue 2: The Start of a Dream

"What's wrong, Serena?"

"I've hurt my knee and can't get up..." she answered between tearful cries.

"Don't worry, I've got just the magic spell for you!"

Ash pulled out his blue handkerchief, a gift courtesy of Blue, and wrapped in on Serena's knee.

"Pain, pain, go away!" he chanted with confidence.

"It... it still hurts..." Serena said as she winced in the pain.

Ash got up and extended his hand towards her.

"Never give up until it's over!" he exclaimed with a smile.

That one phrase with his warm smile ingrained itself into the girl's memory as well as her heart. Ignoring the pain, she unconsciously reached out.

"Here we go!"

With a single pull, Serena ended up within his arms, warm and loving.

"See, you did it! I must be the greatest wizard of all time."

Hearing that, Serena burst into giggles at his joke.

The image of her giggling coupled with her beautiful blue eyes was ingrained into the boy's memory as well as his heart. Unconsciously, he held her hand with a tender smile.

"Come on, we gotta get you to the camp as soon as possible"

"But the task? Shouldn't you be finding Pokémon to bring back?" Serena questioned timidly as she felt guilty for impeding on Ash's task. But it was washed away when he shook his head.

"You're more important."

She could not help but blush.

"Besides, I'm alone so I get the first and last say in my team," Ash joked to comfort her.

As they returned to the camp, Serena was treated by the nurse, who complimented Ash for his impromptu first aid. Ash never left her side until she recovered.

Oak witnessed this and was pleased with what he saw. His pseudo-grandson had a genuine smile plastered on his face whenever he talked to the honey-blonde girl.

A smile he had not seen since the discovery of his mother's passing.

"Say, Ash. Do you want to be in a team with young Serena?"

To his surprise and to Serena's delight, the boy immediately agreed.

The hours bleed into days and into weeks.

But not a single minute was successful enough to separate the two.

Everything they did, they did together.

Be it exploring the nearby forest or playing with the Pokémon of the lab. Even sleeping next to each other, as if they were afraid to be torn away from one another.

During their time together, Ash gave her permission to use his childhood name 'Red', something he would never allow anyone to use other than Gary and Blue; not even Oak. In turn, Serena gave him her permission to call her 'Rena' but her favourite was when Ash called her 'Yellow' due to the colour of her hair which would turn her into a blushing mess.

Seeing her adorable reaction, he went with the latter.

One day, whilst laying on the meadows of Pallet Town, Ash confided to her about his rivalry with Gary who he almost always loses to.

"We're only 5 but he's already got a huge goal in mind. So, how can I even beat that..."

Serena did not expect her best friend to be this meek and she hated seeing him sad. Then, with the most loving smile she could muster, she gave him the answer of his life, his identity.

"Then dream bigger! The greatest Pokémon trainer in the world? That's nothing compared to a Pokémon Master!" she exclaimed with passion.

Ash could only stare at his best friend in awe and soon, his eyes found her eyes.

"I don't know what a Pokémon Master is but it sounds cool. And if anyone can become one, it will be you, Red!"

'This girl...' he thought with a loving smile.

"Alright! Then I'll have to live up to your expectations!" Ash said with unbridled passion.

"I promise you, Yellow. I will be a Pokémon Master!"

Serena blushed at that but was incredible jubilant at the sight of him being so passionate.

To which she blushed even more to the point where her ears look as if they were coloured pink.

The two children then continued spending their time with each other.

Alas, the time of parting hath cometh.

As they walked towards Serena's mother, Grace, they held hands and began to sob.

Ash was given a heart-shaped silver locket with her name engraved on it.

Serena could not bear to part, enveloping the boy into a hug.

"I'll miss you so much" Serena said with tears in her eyes.

"Me too"

"Keep the handkerchief. So that you can remember..." Ash could not finish his sentence before sobbing.

Oak and Grace were heartbroken as they watched the two friends cry in each other's arms.

Then with a fiery determination, Ash gave her his second promise.

"I promise you, Yellow"

A single oath

"When I finally become a Pokémon Trainer"

A solemn pledge

"I'll find you"

A new chapter

"No matter how long it takes"

Devotion blossoms

With that, Serena's heart fluttered and gave him his most special gift.

Her first kiss.

One would wait continuously

Tender and loving.

One would pursue endlessly

"I'll always wait for you"

Prologue 2: The Start of a Dream

"No matter how long it takes"

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now