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Author's Notes (1)

Hi everyone! So, I've removed the first AN on the previous chapter since it was rather spoiler-ish but fear not! For someone in the reviews has asked some questions regarding the now-removed AN so there shouldn't be much spoilers for the future. Without further ado...

Advice Answers:

1) ABSOLUTELY agree 100%. Serena is a top tier character and I would not make her to be a trophy waifu along this story. That would just be disrespectful. I may be garbage at romance, but even I know trash writing when I see one.

2) Ash's personality is actually really easy to write, to be frank. The main personality is that of Anime!Ash while the battling side is a mix of Specials!Red and Champions!Red.
Meanwhile, his Aura powers are leaning towards Fate (or rather Shirou from Fate) since Pokemon doesn't really elaborate on powers in their own verse. While the main goal is to make an OP!Ash, it just doesn't feel right to have that kind of power handed to him on a silver platter. That's why I chose Shirou as a base for his Aura ability since it ties in nicely with the Sword motif of Galar (main reason) and also that Shirou's power is directly tied to his ideals and mindset (It's not only the coolest power I've ever seen, it's the most tragic one since Fate isn't really a happy story). Ash will undergo the same struggles as Shirou did where his views are challenged by the foes he meets along the way and that will shape his Aura abilities in the future.

3) Just like point (1), agree 100%. Serena's huge arsenal of skills is reflected in the anime as well since during the time when she was conflicted on her goals, she went around doing everything she could. And that's why I made the school, so that she could learn every skill that a school can feasibly offer. So, don't worry. There won't be any timeskips. Now, Ash's and Serena's stories side by side is going to be tricky, but I'll try my best.
As for the recommended fics, if I don't upload for months because I'm too sucked into these books, I'm holding you accountable (jk).
Seriously, these are going to be gold mines for me to write romance. Massive thanks, man!

Questions Answers:

1) As I've said, everything is going to happen, so Legends Arceus is going to be a huge Yes. In fact, Hisui will be one of the turning points of the story as it will have a lot of what-the-absolute-hell moments. Even though this plotline is going to happen in the far far future, can't give spoilers since that'll be no fun, right?

2) Now that... Is a good question. Serena's Saber-like role is going to be post-Fate route as she will wait eternally for Shirou, a normal human, to reach Avalon, a utopia so rich in mana that a normal human would explode as soon as they touch a single foot in. This parallels Ash's journey across many regions and adventures, all so he could reach his own 'utopia', Serena (If that makes sense).
Serena won't have any powers like Aura or Psychic (I'm not too fond of the latter), but she won't be a damsel in distress, that's for sure. That's why she'll have all those skills at her disposal, making her like Batman(lol) if she needed to fight.

(Love for sword-like Pokemon is definitely going to be a gag for Ash. But for him to catch a Gallade or a Aegislash or any sword-like Pokemon, I'll leave it to you readers.)

3) Contests and Performances are as good as confirmed. But regarding her Saber-like personality, I would probably adopt it as her Ice Queen persona. A serious and charismatic personality with a very intimidating aura.

Well, that should be enough to answer all your questions. I had a blast reading this, dude. In fact, I'll likely post this message in the next chapter so others could read it as well. Wouldn't be fair to the rest of the readers if you were the only one ahead of them, right?

[Overall, A Rather Solid Fic for an Amourshipping Story set in the Style of the Fates Series…] = I just can't believe no one has ever thought about this! Galar with Arthurian legend. The Lucario movie's huge tree being based on Yggdrasil. There are just so many legends and myths to use in Pokemon, and that's what makes me mad. The amount of content just writes itself! All those wasted potential *sigh*. Then this story happened because of a 'Fine, I'll do it myself' moment.
Which is why I strongly encourage you to read up on the origins and trivia of the future legendaries and mythicals since they are based on the real life mythology.
...Except for King Arthur NOT being a girl (10-year-old me was VERY disappointed)

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now