Chapter 58: A Queen's Treasure

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   Author's Notes (14)

Full on Serena chapter, let's go.

So, this chapter's more of an experimental one as I wanted to challenge myself to NOT write Ash frequently, only referencing him and not writing his name directly. Don't worry, this is just a warm up before next chapter. And after that, M02 time bby! Chapter 60 too, at that.

Also, there's a short story near the end. But its only a small part of the whole story so look forward to the completed thing in the future.

Now, some revised words from last chapter:

No. I do not like Leon steamrolling Champions. I'm not as angry with it like some people, but disappointed nonetheless at how dirty they did Diantha. Fated!Leon is the strongest, but he's gonna be the strongest in a believable way. He's not gonna steamroll Champions but slightly on top depending on who he's battling.

If you're wondering why I'm so hung up on this, its cuz I really hate writing stuff that people misunderstand. But this'll be the last of it.

Onwards to the questions...


USSRParrot: Sooo will Ash get his sword doggo?

This is gonna be funny in hindsight, believe me. But, not yet. That's for sure.


f46adpg: This was an amazing chapter. Connecting all the dots like that you're a genius. Ice queen Serena becoming reincarnated Arthur. Aura trio's importance downplayed to give more interests to the legendaries which are more versatile and can be used in many occasions. And using mythologies to make the world more relatable. That brings out the option of using religions for plots too so that every villain is not just wanting to conquer the world. I can only imagine how Arceus is going to be introduced. But I think the orange league can be improved a bit. And Ash is like I don't know lacking in something as a character. Like some sort of characteristic unique to him. Something that makes him unique as a trainer. For example in football a good player is very good in certain things like speed, dribbling, spatial awareness, shooting or adaptability, predicting something. Like knowing every move that someone will play. Canon Ash was very good at that and making unpredictable counters to them... Atleast in orange johto and sinnoh. Like Ash vs Clair? Claire? And Whitney's? Miltank. You should use that. Ash has his recklessness but continuing like this will make him stale as a trainer you know. Like he trains his Pokemon but can't improve himself. And try to do it slowly like starting with realising that that is his weapon against an enemy in battle starting to actively use it. Finding trainers with the same weapon as him. Him starting to use it instinctively. I'm hella excited about the next chaps

Thanks for the review, dude.

I'm surprised many ppl are theorizing Serena being reincarnated Arthur.

Religions are gonna be a thing and motivation for the story villains. However, its an original religion and not an existing one like Christianity since I don't wanna piss people off. It's fanfic. But things like Norse myths or Arthurian legends are fair game tho.

Orange League. Yeah, its going kinda fast with Ash speedrunning everything, but I really wanna get to Johto soon, man. So, for the remaining battles, I'll try my best to write them as enjoyable as possible.

Ash's uniqueness as a Trainer. It's gotta be the Fakes that he excels the most at since it parallels with Shirou. However, the groundwork is there for another unique ability Ash can use as his 'weapon' and it correlates well with Shirou. Hint: it's a 4-letter word.

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