Chapter 10: GREEN (5)

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Chapter 10: Green (5)

Gary Oak was now in Lavender Town.

The Noble Town.

To be exact, the Pokémon Tower.

A 7-floored graveyard housing hundreds of Pokémon graves.

And Raticate was the latest addition.

Gary gazed at Raticate's tombstone with empty eyes.

The emerald colour replaced with a darker shade of green.

Gary Oak was a genius.

A logical mind capable of perfect analysis.

Which was why it hurt him even more.

'Raticate… died.' He began thinking.

'When it attacked those Koffings…'

'The poison from their body entered Raticate's system…'

The orange-haired boy gripped his pendant.

'Then I made him walk through the damn tunnel…'


'Instead of resting.'


'Instead of recalling him back into his Ball.'

Knuckles whitening.

'That's what did him in.'

Guilt flooded his heart.

'I messed up and Raticate paid the price.'

Memories replaying.


He stared at his Pokémon's tombstone.

'The real reason why Raticate died…'

The air grew colder.

'Was me.'

The epiphany hit him mercilessly.

'I... was weak.'

"Green? Is that you?" a voice called out.

Glancing back, he identified the visitor:

Red and white cap.

Raven-black hair.

Crimson red eyes.


"…Hey, Red. What brings you here?" Gary asked weakly.

"Your Pokémon don't look dead."

Pikachu stood still.

"Huh? Of course not," Ash responded before checking the grave behind him.

"Green… That grave…"

"Well, I can at least make them faint. Let's do this, pal!" Gary challenged with a dark expression.

A battle started.

But ended after 2 moves.

"Stop it, Green!" Ash cried out.

"Eevee's in no condition to battle!"

Drip, drip.

The brown fox's tears fell.

Her eyes red from crying since her best friend passed.

Ears limp and body weak.

The spitting image of the word 'heartbroken'.

Gary's eyes narrowed at the sight.

His lips trembling as he fought the pain.

Surrendering himself to his darkest thoughts…

He recalled Eevee and left the Tower.

A few days later.

Gary met with Blue.

The blue-eyed girl shocked at what she heard.

"You're giving Eevee to me?!" she shouted, demanding an answer.

"No way! Why?"

Gary held Eevee's Ball towards the girl.

"Eevee… was closer to Raticate than any of my Pokémon," he started.

"Now that Raticate is gone… She's lost her will to battle."

Blue was distraught.

She refused to believe the boy in front of her was Gary.

The person she admired.

Replaced with a shadow of him.

"Can you blame her? That's no reason to release her!" Blue countered, hoping to knock some sense into him.

Gary slowly looked at her.

With his green eyes devoid of emotion.

"I'm going to be the greatest Trainer in the world," he reminded her.

"I've got no use for a Pokémon who can't battle," he concluded.

Hearing this, Blue snapped.

With tears in her eyes, she slapped the boy.

Harder than she ever slapped anything in her life.

"I don't know if you're just saying that, and I don't care," she angrily said.

With a final breath, she let out her emotions.

"But don't you dare talk about your Pokémon like that!"

Gary's face was red from Blue's slap.

But he gave her a weak trembling smile.

Eevee and her former team conveyed their goodbyes.

Growlithe and her shared a touch on their foreheads.

And Gary left once more.

5 months since Raticate's passing.

"Silph Co was it?"

"So, Team Rocket's holed up in here, huh?" an orange haired boy muttered.

Team Rocket.

That name triggered the boy's thirst for vengeance.

'I told Raticate about my dream…'

"Hey! Are you with the red cap?!" one of the grunts shouted, demanding an answer.

'And he gave his all for the future 'me'…'

"Red… cap? So Red's here too. Well, makes no difference," Gary said as he summoned his Pidgeot and Blastoise to his side.

'And look what happened.'

'Surpassing my grandfather?'


'Not letting Red beat me?'

Become power incarnate.

'That all seemed so petty now.'

Chapter 10: Green (5)

'It doesn't matter anymore.'

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♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now