Chapter 52: [M01] Mewtwo Stikes Back!

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Author's Notes (8)


Hey, hey! Dumbass-who-overestimated-himself speaking! We're finally in M01, yipee!

I sound like a broken record, but thank you all for reading this story! Means a lot to me.

Now, onto the plot of Fated!M01:

While I was planning for M01, I had two options to go for.

One, I could just copy M01 and add bits and pieces of Fated elements. Bing bang boom, call it a day.

Or two, the most difficult option being to use M01 only as a guideline and adding huge chunks of original Fated content in tandem with the original M01.



So naturally, I went with 2.

And boy, was I a dumbass. Excluding the Author's Notes, this special chapter is 20k+ words long! This is way bigger than any chapter to date! And the worst part is?

I'm probably going to break this record in the future in exchange for my sanity.

However, I don't regret this at all. All in all, I think it turned out great. But you guys be the judge of that.

Fair warning that towards the end, we're leaning close to Fate/stay night since I'm using their elements to make this story. And without further ado, IKZ!

Chapter 52: [M01] Mewtwo Strikes Back!

Northern Kanto, nearby the kingdom of Rota…

This was an event that took place several years before.




Expedition Log #001

The team has finally received permission from the reigning Rota royalty to enter the designated location after a whole week of negotiations. For the next few days, the team will begin exploring the Tree of Beginnings, codenamed [YGGDRASIL]. Hopefully, by the end of this, we will be able to obtain samples of the mythical Pokémon, Mew, who is said to live within the tree.


Expedition Log #048

Unexpected situation arose for the team as entering [YGGDRASIL] has alerted the tree of our presence. Hypothesis is that the Tree of Beginnings is sentient or at the very least, semi-sentient. Shortly after our entrance, an unidentified creature manifested in front of us as if to keep us away from the roots of tree. Creature appeared to be serpent-like with a body of green and black. No other Pokémon coincide with the creature's appearance, but hypothesis suggests that it may not be sentient as it showed berserk-like aggression without any thought process.


Expedition Log #086

We've finally managed to lose the unidentified creature and have entered the trunk. The Tree of Beginnings harbours its own ecosystem within as many Pokémon have been observed thriving. What's more, the Legendary Titans have been spotted around our vicinity. Theory is that they are aware of human presences and seek to get rid of us.


Expedition Log #123

At long last, we have obtained a sample of Mew. The eyelashes, at least. But in exchange, we have lost a large number of our team to the Titans as well as the black and green creature of [YGGDRASIL]'s roots. Nevertheless, our task is completed. Experiments and trials are to commence.

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now