Chapter 44:A Brief Respite

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*Author note removed from thus chapter its in the nxt chap which I will release tomorrow*

Chapter 44: A Brief Respite


Gary was taken aback by the sudden appearance of someone he did not expect to see.


The older sibling sprinted towards her younger brother and dug her nails into his shoulders.

The orange-haired boy's black shirt crumpled into her nails while its owner shivered at his sibling's scary expression.

"Sis, you're scaring me..." he quivered, momentarily broken from his depressed state.

"No time for that! Is Ash still battling?!" the teen demanded while Bill arrived behind her with a pink Butterfree and a large screen in tow.

"Yea... Yeah. That idiot's about to lose right now..." Gary answered with a confused look, not forgetting to insult his rival at every chance he could get.

"Let's go, Bill! Take us to the closest stand to Ash!" Daisy ordered with her adrenaline clearly off the charts.

Nodding, Gary showed them the way with haste.

"Your sister's a slave driver, y'know?" Bill deadpanned to the boy.

"Nice to see you as a human instead of a Rattata, Bill," Gary replied nonchalantly.

"Cheeky brat."

Pokémon Academy, Kalos Region.

The halls were filled with horrified murmurs and worrying glances at the sight of Ash dropping to his knees while clutching onto the silver locket.

"..." Calem widened his eyes at the charging Sync Move.


'A Sync Stone! Well, it's to be expected that an Elite Four would possess one,' Sycamore mused with an interested glint in his expression.

'I must say, although it's a prototype, it might rival that of those Stones in terms of power.'

"Not only that Sync Move, but she added in a [Perish Song] as well?!" Shauna yelled out while balling her fists.

"This is waaaay overkill! Why's she bullying Ash for?!"

"That's the wrong way to interpret, Shauna," her boyfriend shook his head.

"An Elite Four going all out against someone our age? That's the highest respect any Trainer would kill for!"

"But look at Ash! He's clearly not happy!" Shauna rebutted before the screen suddenly turned to a new development at the stands near Ash.

[ Don't give up until it's over! ]

Everyone did a double take at the familiar voice coming from the large screen a man was holding.

"Isn't that..." Shauna gasped before turning to the honey blonde next to her.

"They made it!" an elated Serena squealed out in joy.

The honey blonde had sent a video during the battle between Charizard and Dewgong without everyone's notice.

The group then stared at the girl for details, wanting to know the 'how' and 'why'.

With a sigh, she began explaining.

"Someone gave me a little tip when I went to the bathroom with Froakie. Thanks to him, I managed to make an encouragement video for Red just in time."

♛ 𝔽𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝔹𝕪 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪 (𝔸𝕞𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘) ♛Where stories live. Discover now